العنوان : استاذ مساعد
الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة
القسم : الرياضيات
البريد الالكتروني : hameeda.mezban@uobasrah.edu.iq
رابط Google Scholar: | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ONiSsJUAAAAJ&hl=ar |
رابط Research Gate : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hameeda_Al-Humedi?ev=hdr_xprf |
رابط Web of Science : | https://publons.com/researcher/2111044/hameeda-oda-al-humedi/ |
رابط Scopus : | https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57216546873 |
رابط ORCID : | https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8705-5132 |
عنوان البحث | النوع | الناشر | السنة | عالمي | مفرد | ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس | تحميل |
Solving the Nonlinear Time-Fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation with the Chebyshev Spectral Method | بحث مجلة | Iraqi Journal of Science | 2024 | |||||
Combining B-spline least-square schemes with different weight functions to solve the generalized regularized long wave equation | بحث مجلة | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13 (2022) No. 1, 159-177 ISSN: 2008-6822 (electronic) | 2022 | |||||
Solution of Linear Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations Using Fuzzy Natural Transform | بحث مجلة | Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 2022 | |||||
Laguerre-Chebyshev Petrov-Galerkin method for solving integral equations | بحث مجلة | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13 (2022) 1, 3227-3237 ISSN: 2008-6822 (electronic) | 2022 | |||||
The numerical solution of bioheat equation based on shifted Legender Polynomial | بحث مجلة | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 12 (2021) No. 2, 1061-1070 | 2021 | |||||
The Numerical Technique Based on Shifted Jacobi-Gauss-Lobatto Polynomials for Solving Two Dimensional Multi-Space Fractional Bioheat Equations | بحث مجلة | Baghdad Science Journal | 2021 | |||||
Numerical Solutions of Mixed Integro-Differential Equations by Least-Squares Method and Laguerre Polynomial | بحث مجلة | Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences ISSN (Online): 2581-8147 Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, Pages 309-323 | 2021 | |||||
Fully-Discrete For Expanded H1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method | بحث مجلة | PJAEE18(7)2021 | 2021 | |||||
Approximate Solutions for Solving Time-Space Fractional Bioheat Equation Based on Fractional Shifted Legendre Polynomials | بحث مجلة | 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1804 012116 | 2021 | |||||
The numerical solution of time-space fractional bioheat equation by using fractional quadratic spline methods | بحث مجلة | AIP Conference Proceedings 2235, 020013 (2020) | 2021 | |||||
Analysis of error estimate for expanded H1 - Galerkin MFEM of PIDEs with nonlinear memory | بحث مجلة | AIP Conference Proceedings 2235, 020010 (2020) | 2021 | |||||
Spectral shifted Jacobi-Gauss-Lobatto methodology for solving two-dimensional time-space fractional bioheat model | بحث مجلة | AIP Conference Proceedings 2235, 020011 (2020) | 2021 | |||||
A Combination of the Orthogonal Polynomials with Least – Squares Method for Solving High-Orders Fredholm-Volterra Integro-Differential Equations | بحث مجلة | Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science Vol.(26) Issue (1) (2021) pp. Math. 20–38 | 2021 | |||||
Fully-Discrete For Expanded H1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method of PIDEs With Nonlinear Memory | بحث مجلة | PJAEE18(7)2021 | 2021 | |||||
The Spectral Petrov-Galerkin Method for Solving Integral Equations of the First Kind | بحث مجلة | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education | 2021 | |||||
Cubic B-Spline Least-square Method Combine with a Quadratic Weight Function for Solving IntegroDifferential Equations | بحث مجلة | Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences (EJMS), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp: 99-113 (2020) | 2020 | |||||
Combining Cubic B-Spline Galerkin Method with Quadratic Weight | بحث مجلة | Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics Vol.12 ( 1 ) 2020 , pp Math 9-20 | 2020 | |||||
The Numerical Approximation of the Bioheat Equation of Space-Fractional | بحث مجلة | Iraqi Journal of Science, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp: 875-889 | 2020 | |||||
Combining Cubic B-Spline Galerkin Method with Quadratic Weight Function for Solving Partial Integro-Differential Equations | بحث مجلة | Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics | 2020 | |||||
The Numerical Solutions of 2D Time-Space Fractional Bioheat Problem | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science Vol., 37 (2), 276-292, 2019 | 2019 | |||||
Spline Methods For Solving Time Fractional Bioheat Equation | بحث مجلة | International Journal of Advances in Mathematics | 2019 | |||||
The Numerical Solutions of 2D Time-Space Fractional Bioheat Problem by Using Fractional Quadratic Spline Method | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science | 2019 | |||||
The Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method for Solving System of Linear Weakly Singular Volterra Integral Equations | بحث مجلة | Journal of Advances in Mathematics | 2018 | |||||
Upwind Finite Element Schemes for Solving Nonstationary Convection-Diffusion-Reaction (CDR) Problem | بحث مجلة | 2016 مجلة Al-Mustansiriyah J. of Science المجلد 27 الإصدار 1 | 2016 | |||||
Combine of B-Spline Galerkin Schemes with Change Weight Function | بحث مجلة | 2013/7/1 مجلة International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research المجلد 2 الإصدار 4 الصفحات 340 | 2013 | |||||
Discrete Maximum Principle to Upwind Finite Element Schemes for Solving Nonstationary Convection-Diffusion-Reaction (CDR) Problem | بحث مجلة | 2012 مجلة J. Missan Researches المجلد 8 الإصدار 16 الصفحات 80-96 | 2012 | |||||
Simulations of the Modified Equal width wave equation by using B-Spline Galerkin method | بحث مجلة | 2012 | ||||||
The Numerical Solutions For Non-Linear Systems of Partial Differential Equations By Using The Method of Lines | بحث مجلة | 2012 مجلة J. Missan Researche | 2012 | |||||
Error Analysis For Mixed Finite Element Method For The Navier-Stokes Equation | بحث مجلة | 2010 مجلة (Basrah Journal of Science (A) المجلد 28 الإصدار 1 الصفحات 91-103 مقالات الباحث العلمي | 2010 | |||||
Modified Algorithm to Compute Adomians Polynomial For Solving Non- Linear Systems of Partial Differential Equations | بحث مجلة | Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences , مجلد 5 الإصدار 51 الصفحات 2505-2521 | 2010 | |||||
An Explicit Numerical Methods Involving Nine- Points Formula for Solving Transport Equation | بحث مجلة | 2009 مجلة Tikrit J. Pure Science المجلد 14 الإصدار 3 | 2009 | |||||
Finite difference scheme involving nine-point formula for transfer equation | بحث مجلة | 2002 مجلة 13 المجلد 4 الصفحات 59-76 | 2002 |