الاسم : علاء محسن عطية

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : alaa.atiaa@uobasrah.edu.iq

Alaa Muhsain Atiaa Al-Abadi

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Optimal siting of large photovoltaic solar farms at Basrah governorate, Southern Iraq using hybrid GIS- based Entropy-TOPSIS and AHP-TOPSIS models بحث مجلة Elsevier 2025 download
Relationship between structural style and the petroleum system in the siba gas field, southern Iraq بحث مجلة Elsevier 2023 download
Predicting Soil Erosion Rate at Transboundary Sub-Watersheds in Ali Al-Gharbi, Southern Iraq, Using RUSLE-Based GIS Model بحث مجلة Sustainability 2023 download
Assessment of groundwater potential in terms of the availability and quality of the resource: a case study from Iraq بحث مجلة Springer 2021 download
Spatial assessment of gross vertical reservoir heterogeneity using geostatistics and GIS-based machine-learning classifiers: A case study from the Zubair Formation, Rumaila oil field, southern Iraq بحث مجلة Elsevier 2021 download
Modeling of Groundwater Potential Using Cloud Computing Platform: A Case Study from Nineveh Plain, Northern Iraq بحث مجلة MDPI 2021 download
Facies analysis of the Middle Cretaceous Mishrif Formation in southern Iraq borehole image logs and core thin-sections as a tool بحث مجلة Elsevier 2021 download
Assessing gully erosion susceptibility using topographic derived attributes, multi-criteria decision-making, and machine learning classifiers بحث مجلة Taylor and Francis 2021 download
In flood susceptibility assessment, is it scientifically correct to represent flood events as a point vector format and create flood inventory map? بحث مجلة Elsiver, Journal of Hydrology 2020 download
Prediction of total organic carbon at Rumaila oil field, Southern Iraq using conventional well logs and machine learning algorithms بحث مجلة Elsiver, Marine and Petroleum Geology 2020 download
Spatial Modeling of Hydrocarbon Productivity in the Nahr Umr Formation at the Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq بحث مجلة Springer, Natural resources reserach 2020 download
GIS-based machine learning models for mapping tar mat zones in upper part (DJ unit) of Zubair Formation in North Rumaila supergiant oil field, souther بحث مجلة Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2019
Evaluating the Dibdibba Aquifer Productivity at the Karbala–Najaf Plateau (Central Iraq) Using GIS-Based Tree Machine Learning Algorithms بحث مجلة Natural Resources Research 2019
A comparison between index of entropy and catastrophe theory methods for mapping groundwater potential in an arid region بحث مجلة Springer 2015 download
A GIS-based DRASTIC model for assessing intrinsic groundwater vulnerability in northeastern Missan governorate, southern Iraq بحث مجلة Applied Water Science 2014
Modeling of stage–discharge relationship for Gharraf River, southern Iraq using backpropagation artificial neural networks, M5 decision trees, and Tak بحث مجلة Applied Water Sciences 2014 download