الاسم : محمد يوسف عباس

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : mohammed.abass@uobasrah.edu.iq

Mohammed Yousif Abass Abdulkareem Alshami

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
A Survey on Riemannian Curvature Tensor for Certain Classes of Almost Contact Metric Manifolds بحث مجلة Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science 2024 download
On Generalized Kenmotsu Manifolds as Hypersurfaces of Vaisman-Gray Manifolds بحث مجلة Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2024 download
Curvature Inheritance Symmetry of C_9 −manifolds بحث مجلة مجلة ميسان للدراسات الاكاديمية 2024 download
Generalized curvature tensor and the hypersurfaces of the Hermitian manifold for the class of Kenmotsu type بحث مجلة Communications in Mathematics 2024 download
Geometry of Locally Conformal C_12−Manifolds بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science 2023 download
A Review on Cartan’s Structure Equations for Certain Classes of Almost Contact Metric Manifolds بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences) 2023 download
ON WEYL TENSOR OF ACR-MANIFOLDS OF CLASS C12 WITH APPLICATIONS بحث مجلة Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki Udmurtskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 2022 download
On Generalized Phi−Recurrent of Kenmotsu Type Manifolds بحث مجلة Baghdad Science Journal 2022 download
A Study of New Class of Almost Contact Metric Manifolds of Kenmotsu Type بحث مجلة TAMKANG JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 2021 download
Geometry of Certain Curvature Tensors of Almost Contact Metric Manifold اطروحة جامعة البصرة - كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - قسم الرياضيات 2020 download
Φ-Holomorphic Sectional Curvature and Generalized Sasakian Space Forms for a Class of Kenmotsu Type بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches ((Science)) 2019 download
Minimax arc of kind ( 0, بحث مؤتمر Basrah Journal of Science (A) 2016 download
( k, n; f ) – Arcs of type ( 1, n ) in PG(2, q ), with q≤8 بحث مجلة International Mathematical Forum 2013 download
( k, n; f ) – Arcs of type ( n – 4, n ) in PG(2, 4) بحث مؤتمر Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics 2013
Non – existence of ( k, n; f ) – arcs of type ( n – 3, n ) in PG(2, 9) بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science (A) 2012 download
Existence of ( k, n; f ) – arcs of type ( n – 3, n ) in PG(2, 9) بحث مجلة Journal of Thi-Qar Science 2012 download
On ( k, n; f ) – arcs of type ( 1, n ) in PG(2, 9) بحث مجلة Journal of Education for Pure Science 2012 download
On ( k, n; f ) – arcs of type ( n – 5, n ) in PG(2, 5) بحث مؤتمر Journal of Basrah Researches ((Science)) 2011
Existence and non – existence of ( k , n ; f ) – arcs of type ( n – 3, n ) and monoidal arcs in PG( 2, 9 ) اطروحة University of Basrah - College of Education 2011