Name : Abbas H. Hassin Alasadi

title : Professor

College : Computer Sciences and Information Technology

Department : Information Systems

Email :

Abbas H. Hassin Alasadi


Title of Search Type Publisher year Global Single Thompson Reuters
Scopes Download
Classification of melanoma skin cancer using deep learning approach Journal TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control 2024 download
Early detection of tomato leaf diseases based on deep learning techniques Journal IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) 2024 download
A New Algorithm for Earthquake Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods Journal Journal of Computer Science 2024 download
Advancements and Challenges in Hand Gesture Recognition: A Comprehensive Review Journal Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2024 download
Earthquake prediction technique: a comparative study Journal IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2023 download
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Focus Generative Adversarial Network Segmentation Journal Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics 2023 download
A Review of Skin Cancer Detection: Traditional and Deep Learning-Based Techniques Journal Journal of University of Babylon 2023 download
Earthquake prediction in Iraq using Machine Learning Techniques Journal Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2023 download
Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Chapter Taylor and Francics 2023 download
Hybrid Residual Blocks - Transformers Improving Cardiac MRI Segmentation in Deep Learning Conference 2023 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES) 2023 download
Processing and analyzing data to predict earthquakes in Iraq Journal Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences) 49(2), 112 (2023) 2023 download
Ecommerce Based On Cloud Computing: The Art Of State Journal European Journal of Information Technologies and Computer Science 2022 download
Detection of Image Tempering: Conventional and Deep Learning-based Techniques Journal Journal of Education for Pure Science 2022 download
A modified residual network for detection and classification of Alzheimer’s disease Journal International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2022 download
Handwritten Signature Forgery Verification using Convolutional Neural Networks Journal NEUROQUANTOLOGY 2022 download
Machine Learning System for Human Ear Recognition Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform Journal Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Development Journal 2021 download
A new hand gestures recognition system Journal Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2020 download
New Copy-Move Forgery Detection Algorithm Conference International Russian Automation Conference IEEE 2019 download
Survey of Hand Gesture Recognition Systems Conference IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042003 2019 download
Finger Vein Verification System based on Three Methodologies of Feature Extraction Journal International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) 2018
Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma of Skin Cancer Types Journal International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 2017
A New Method for Microcalcifications Detection in Breast Mammograms Journal Journal of Medical System (Springer) 2017
Dorsal Hand-vein Images Recognition System based on Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Tamura Features Journal International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2017
تحليل وتصميم الخوارزميات Book جامعة الكوفة/العراق 2017
Effect of Reducing Colors Number on the Performance of CBIR System Journal I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 2016
Contourlet Transform based Method for Medical Image Denoising Journal International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP) 2015
Early Detection and Classification of Melanoma Skin Cancer Journal I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science 2015
مقدمة في لغة جافا Book 2015 download
Applying New Method For Computing Initial Centers Of K-Means Clustering With Color Image Segmentation Journal J.Thi-Qar Sci 2011
تركيب الحاسوب Book جامعة الكوفة/العراق 2011
An Automatic Recognizer for Iraqi License Plates Using ELMAN Neural Network Journal J. Software Engineering & Applications 2010
البرمجة بلغة C++ Book دار الحامد للنشر/الأردن 2010 download
الرسم باستخدام لغة Java Book دار الحامد للنشر /الأردن 2007 download
An Edge-Based Method For Machine Printed Arabic Character Recognition Journal ACIT-2004 (Arabic Language Processing & Image Processing 2005
مقدمة في الحاسب والبرمجة بلغتي باسكال وسي ++ Book دار المتفوق للطباعة والنشر 2005
Printed Arabic Characters Recognition Using HMM Journal Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2004
A New Algorithm for Machine Printed Arabic Character Segmentation Journal Pattern Recognition letter 2004
Offline Arabic Characters recognition system Journal Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (JHIT). English Edition, EI Accession number: 03187453646 2003
A proposed HMM Using Structural Feature of Printed Arabic Characters. Conference Proceeding of the 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, USA, Sept. 26-30. 2003
A Word Level Segmentation for Off-Line Arabic Characters Journal Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (JHIT). English Edition, EI Accession number: 03187453646 2002