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Preparation Geodatabase of Sedimentological and Geological Properties by Using GIS Technology: A Case Study Basrah Province, Southern Part of Iraq
Journal |
Thi Qar Arts Journal |
2024 |
Coastline instability evaluation: multitemporal bathymetric mapping and sediment characteristics
Journal |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
2024 |
The compression behavior of riverine fine-grained soils treated with organic matter
Journal |
Soil and Environment |
2024 |
Improving the Mechanical Properties of Dunes Soils in Southern Iraq by Adding Carboxymethyl cellulose
Conference |
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
2023 |
Determining the effect of mineral scaling formation under different injection water sources on the performance of Mishrif carbonate reservoir in Halfaya oilfield, Southern Iraq
Journal |
Springer-Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology |
2023 |
Proposing an inflatable rubber dam on the Tidal Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq
Journal |
DE GRUYTER, Germany |
2023 |
Impact of the environmental degradation of rivers on the reappraisal of international agreements related to the transboundary watercourse, Shatt Al-Arab River (Southern Iraq): a case study
Journal |
Sustainable Water Resources Management (Springer Nature) |
2022 |
Seawater intrusion into Shatt Al-Arab River, Northwest Arabian/Persian Gulf
Journal |
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research |
2022 |
The use of particle size distribution integrated with consistency limits for experimentally simulating fine-grained sedimentary units
Journal |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
2021 |
The integration of grain-size distribution and plasticity parameters for characterizing and classifying unconsolidated fine-grained sediments
Journal |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment |
2020 |
Thesis |
UKnowledge, a digital collection website, created by University of Kentucky |
2019 |
Constitutive model for predicting stress-strain behavior of fine-grained sediments using shearwave velocity
Journal |
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology |
2019 |
Using wave velocities to predict compression behavior of normally-consolidated sediments
Conference |
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophyics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP |
2018 |
Determining the effects of depositional processes on consolidation behavior of sediment using shear-wave velocity
Journal |
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology |
2018 |
Geotechnical analysis for types of surficial fine-grained Soils at eastern side of Basra region, Southern Iraq
Journal |
Journal of Thi-Qar University |
2012 |
الوضع الهيدرومورفي في خور عبدالله شمال غرب الخليج العربي والتأثيرات المتوقعة للموانء الحديثة المزمع انشاءها
Journal |
مجلة اداب ذي قار |
2012 |
Some geotechnical soil properties of western bank of Khor Al-Zubair channel coast at Khor Al-Zubair Port location, southern Basrah, Iraq
Journal |
Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci. |
2010 |
Geotechnical properties of some tidal flat sediments of Khor-Abdullah coast, southern Iraq
Journal |
Mesopt. J. Mar. Sci. |
2010 |
Influence of Shatt-Al Arab tide upon the water of Hor Al-Hammar
Journal |
Journal of Thi-Qar University |
2009 |
محاكاة تأثير التغذية الصناعية على مناسيب المياه الجوفية لمكمن الدبدبة الرملي في منطقة سفوان، جنوب العراق
Journal |
مجلة البصرة للعلوم (ب) |
2007 |