Name : Dhia Falih Al-Fekaik

title : Professor

College : Agriculture

Department : Nutrition Sciences

Email :

Dhia Falih Al-Fekaik


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Multivariate analysis of the phytochemical composition and antioxidant properties in twenty‑ive accessions across three Achillea species Journal Scientific Reports (2024) 14:11843 | 2024 download
Current Trends and Technological Advancements in the Study of Honey Bee-Derived Peptides with an Emphasis on State-of-the-Art Approaches: A Review Journal MDPI 2024
Effect of Heating treatment and Storage on The Hydroxymethylfurfural and pH in Iraqi Honey and Date molasses Journal Basrah Journal of Date palm Research, 2024, 23(1): 20-30 2024
Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Ziziphora clinopodioid Lam. (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Conference Archives of Razi Institute, Vol. 78, No. 1 (2023) 199-205 2023 download
Investigating the phytoavailability of metals in roots of Croton macrostachyus and Phytolacca dodecandra: induced rhizosphere processes Journal BioMetals-springer 2023
Investigating the effect of addition of probiotic microorganisms (bacteria or yeast) to yoghurt on the viability and volatile aromatic profiles Journal Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 2023 download
Effect of Adding Local Rice Malt on the Qualitative and Rheological Properties of Low-Gluten Wheat Flour Journal International Academic Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 2022 download
Assessment of Quality Parameters in Samples of Iraqi Honey Journal University of Thi-Qar Journal of agricultural research 2022 download
Follow-Up Of The Development Of Water-Soluble And Fat-Soluble Minerals And Vitamins For Germination And Non-Germination Sorghum Grains During Different Germination Periods Journal Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 2143-2154 2022 download
Extracting Sweetening and Bioactive Compounds From Stevia Rebaudiana Using Cellulase Enzyme Journal IOP Publishing 2022 download
Chemical Properties and Applications of Honey: A Review Journal International Academic Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 2022 download
Purification of the biologically active peptide from a new strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii JKD5 isolated from local yogurt and study of its antimicrobial properties against some microorganisms Journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2021 download
STIMATING THE CONTENT OF HORMONES IN THE THREE TYPES OF IRAQ FISH AND STUDYING THEIR IMPACT ON MALE FEMALE HORMONES FOR LABORATORY RATS Conference 9th International Conference for Sustainable Agricultural Development 4-6 March 2019 Fayoum J. Agric. Res,&Dev.,Vol.33 No. 1(B) March, 2019 download
Diagnosing the bioactive compounds in Iraqi garlic (Allium sativum) by GC-MS and HPLC Conference Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019 download
Purification and Characterization of Alliinase from Iraqi Garlic (Allium sativum) Journal Journal of Global Pharma Technology 2019 download
Preparation of an Amino Acid Alliin from the Iraqi Garlic and Using it as a Substrate for Alliinase Journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2019 download
توصيـف نماذج من العسل العراقي وتشخيص مركباتها العضوية المتطايرة ودراسة فعاليتها المضادة للأكسدة Thesis 2019 download
Determination of quality compounds in Some of Iraqi honey types Journal Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciencest Sciencest Vo. 6 No I 2019March 2019
Chemotypes and morpho-physiological characters affecting essential oilyield in Iranian cumin landraces Journal Industrial Crops & Products 128 (2019) 256–269 2019
Characteristics of Fat Milk Iraqi Buffalo( ubalusbubalis) Journal Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2018 download
دراسة بعض الصفت النوعية في دهون مناسل ثلاث أنواع من مناسل الأسماك العراقية Journal مجلة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية عدد خاص لمجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية 2018
تراكم الحيوي لبعض العناصر المعدنية في مناسل ثلاث أنواع من الأسماك العراقية Journal مجلة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية عدد خاص لمجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية 2018
Chemical and Physical Characteristics and Fatty Acid Profile of , Some Oil Seeds of Apiaceae Family in Iraq Journal Chemical and Process Engineering Research , ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online) Vol.58, 2018 2018 download
Chemotypes and morpho-physiological characters affecting essential oil yield in Iranian cumin landracesv Journal November 2018 Industrial Crops and Products 2018 download
Purification and characterization of tannase from the local isolate of Aspergillus niger Journal J App Biol Biotech. 2018.Online first 2018 download
Effect of Honey Collection Regions On the Antioxidant Activity of Honey Journal لسنة 2018 مجلة جامعة ذي قار للبحوث الزراعية ، المجلد 7 2018
Extraction and identification of essential oil from Cinnamomum Zeylanicum barks and study the antibacterial activity Journal December 2017Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences 7(3):312 2017 download
تنقية و توصيف أنزيم الالفا- أميليز المنتج من مالت الشعير المحلي Thesis جامعة البصرة كلية الزراعة قسم علوم الاغذية 2017 download
Extraction, Purification and Characterization of Alliinase From Iraqi Garlic(Allium sativum) and Using its Prouducts to Preparation a Food Supplement Thesis 2017 download
Extraction, Purification and Characterization of Alliinase From Iraqi Garlic(Allium sativum) and Using its Prouducts to Preparation a Food Supplement Thesis 2017 download
Effect of Adding Lipase and Ovalette Improver on Rheological Properties, Sensory Evaluation and Storage Stability of Loaf Journal مجلة البصرة للعلوم الزراعية ISSN: 18175868 السنة: 2016 المجلد: 29 الاصدار: 2 الصفحات: 314-328 الجامعة: Basrah University جامعة البصرة – جامعة 2016 download
Phytochemical diversity of fennel landraces from various growth types and origins Journal Agronomy Research 14(5), 1530–1547, 2016 2016 download
Using gc-ms technique to evaluate the omega-3 Content from oil of of three species of Iraqi Marine fishes umResen , Dhia Faleh Al fkaiki , Journal Bas.J.Vet.Res.Vol.15,No.4,2016 2016 download
تقدير كمية و نوعية الأحماض الدهنية في دهن حميب الماعز بتقنية كروموتوغ ا رفيا الغاز المتصل بمطياف الكتمة GC-MS و مقارنتها مع الأحماض الدهنية في دهن حمي Journal 8102،822-872،)8( مجمة البصرة لمعموم الز ا رعية، المجمد 82 2015 download
Extraction of Essential Oils from Some Types of Umbelifera Family using Microwave-Assisted Water Distillation Journal of Biology Journal Agriculture and Healthc Vol.5, No.22, 2015 2015 download
Fatty Acids Composition By (Gc-Ms) And Most Important Physical Chemicals Parameters Of Seed Oil Pomegranate And Grape Seedsjanuary , Journal ournal Of Biology, Agriculture And Healthcare , ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online) Vol.6, No.8, 201 2014 download
Extraction , Purification and Characterization of alpha- amylase from germinated Sorghum seeds Journal (2013) B . مجلة أبحاث البصرة (( العلميات)) العدد 39 . الجزء 1 2013 download
تقييد أنزيم الالفا اميميز المنتج من مالت الشعير المحمي بألجينات الكالسيوم - Journal 061-094 :)0(22 ، مجلة البصرة للعلوم الزراعية 2102 2012 download
Extraction and Diagnosis of Compounds of Phenolic Compounds from thePlanthenna (Lawsoniainermis)and Assess Their Effectiveness as Antioxidants Journal 2102 ) مجلة ذي قار للبحوث الزراعية , المجلد 2 , العدد ) 2 2012 download
Purification and Characterization of alpha-amylase produced from a local Malt Barley Journal ﺎﻠﻤﺠﻟﺓ: Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences) مجلة ابحاث البصرة ( العلميات) ISSN: 18172695 السنة: 2011 المجلد: 37 الاصدار: 5B الصفحات: 92-103 الجا 2011
إنتاج مالت من الشعير المحلي واسـتخدامه كمحسن في صناعة الخبز Thesis 2002 download
إنتاج مالت من الشعير المحلي واسـتخدامه كمحسن في صناعة الخبز Journal 2002 download
إنتاج مالت من الشعير المحلي واسـتخدامه كمحسن في صناعة الخبز Journal 2002 download