الاسم : ايناس عبد الرزاق عبد القادر

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : inass.abdal_qader@uobasrah.edu.iq

Inass Abdal Razaq Abdal Qader Almallah

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Hydromorphotectonic Analysis of Al Najaf-Karbala Plateau Using Remote Sensing Techniqe بحث مجلة Iraqi Geological Journal 2025 download
The complex system of climate change security and the ripple effect of water–food–socioeconomic nexus بحث مجلة Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024 download
Hydrochemical Characteristics and Spatial Variability in Coastal Aquifers Southern IraqUtilizing a GIS Technique. بحث مجلة Iraqi Geological Journal 2024 download
Identification of Seawater Intrusion in the Dibdibba Coastal Aquifer, South of Iraq Using Chemical Indicators and Multivariate Analyses بحث مجلة IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2023 download
Morphotectonic Analysis of Wadi Al-Batin Alluvial Fan, South of Iraq, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Science 2023 download
Subsurface Structures Delineation to Evaluate the Possibility of Groundwater Gathering Using Gravity Data Interpretation in Salman Basin, Iraqi Southern Desert بحث مجلة Journal of university of Babylon 2022 download
Lineaments Tracing of Magnetic Sources Depending on the Aeromagnetic Data: Case Study in Salman Basin and Surrounding Areas, Southern Desert of Iraq بحث مجلة Iraqi Geological Journal 2022 download
Groundwater Vulnerability Analysis via GALDIT-GIS Method to Seawater Intrusion, South of Iraq بحث مجلة Iraqi Geological Journal 2022 download
Hydromorphometric Analysis of Wadi Al-Batin Alluvial Fan Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Southwestern Iraq بحث مجلة Iraqi Geological Journal 2022 download
Evaluation of groundwater quality in the Dibdibba aquifer using hydrogeochemical and isotope techniques (Basrah Province, Iraq) بحث مجلة Acta Geochim 2022 download
Assessment of Dibdibba Groundwater Quality Using the Multivariate Statistical Technique in Zuber area South of Iraq. بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Science 2021 download
Chemical and biological compatibility of different injection waters with Zubair Formation Water of Upper Sand Memberin Zubair Oil Field, South of Iraq بحث مجلة IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2021 download
A GIS-based SINTACS model for assessing intrinsic groundwater vulnerability of the Alton Kopri basin, Kirkuk governorate northeast of Iraq. بحث مجلة Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 2019 download
Petrophysical properties evaluation using well logging of the upper sand member of Zubair Formation in Zubair oil Field, Southern Iraq. بحث مجلة Basrah Journal ofScience Vol37 No.3 2019 download
Evaluation of groundwater quality and the hydrogeochemical processes of shallow Dibdibba aquifer in Basra Governorate, southern Iraq بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) Vol. (44). No. (1 2018 download
Intrinsic vulnerability assessment for the Quaternary aquifer in Baghdad area using DRASTIC model. بحث مجلة Applied Water Science (Springer). DOI.org/10.1007/s13201-018-0747-1 2018 download
Assessment of the water quality index of the Main Drain, Iraq. بحث مجلة Iraq Geological Journal (IGJ), V50, No. 2, pp:36-46 2017 download
Scaling simulation resulting from mixing predicted model between Mishrif formation water and different waters injection in Basrah oil field, southern بحث مجلة Model. Earth Syst. Environ. DOI 10.1007/s40808-017-0384-y. 2017 download
Mineralogical and Geochemical analyses of the sediments surrounding the Main Drain Area, Middle of Iraq.eralogical and Geochemical analyses of the بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Science, V57, No. 3B, pp:2025-2042. 2016 download
Environmental change detection of the main drain area, Iraq. بحث مؤتمر BCEE2 the 2ed international conference of Building, construction, and Environmental Engineering. Beirut. Lebanon.pp.159-164. 2015 download
The tremendous increasing of desertification phenomenon southern Iraq related to the hydrologic and climatic changes. بحث مجلة Al-moustansiriya journal of science.V22.no.2. 2011 download
Hydrogeochemical Aspects of Tigris &Euphrates Rivers (Acomparative study) بحث مجلة Rafidain journal of science,mosul university.V.17,No.2. 2006 download
Geochemical Modelling of Water-Rock Interactive in Uppermost Regeonal Aquifer in Arar Area بحث مجلة Iraqi journal of scienceuniversity of Baghdad.V47 No.1. 2006 download
Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater System of Wadi Al-Mhammadi Basin,Western Desert, Iraq بحث مجلة Marina Mesopotamia , marine science center. 2006 download
A Numirecal Model to Simulate Groundwater Flow of Wadi Arar –Western Desert –Iraq بحث مجلة Jornal of basrah researches sciences.V28.No.2 2002 download