الاسم : ماجد محمد جاسم

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : majid.jasim@uobasrah.edu.iq

Majid Mohammed Jasim

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
The electronic transport properties of SWCNTs under the influence of deformation and a magnetic field بحث مجلة ELSEVIER 2021 download
Time Evolution of the Position Operators in a Bilayer Graphene بحث مجلة NeuroQuantology 2021 download
I–Vcharacteristics and conductance of strained SWCNTs بحث مجلة ELSEVIER - PHYSICS LETTERS A 2019 download
Trembling motion of the wave packet in armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) بحث مجلة WORLD SCIENTIFIC - International Journal of Modern Physics B 2019 download
Time evolution of current density in conducting single-walled carbon nanotubes بحث مجلة SPRINGER -Journal of Computational Electronics 2018 download
Modification of electronic properties of graphene under three patterns of elastic deformation بحث مجلة SPRINGER - Indian J Phys 2018 download
Current Density and Zitterbewegung in a Monolayer Graphene بحث مجلة JOURNAL OF KUFA−PHYSICS (KUFA UNIVERSITY) 2018 download
BAND STRUCTURE VARIATION BY DEFORMATION OF SWCNTS بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) (College of Education for Pure Sciences-University of Basrah) 2017 download
Theoretical Description for Zitterbewegung of electrons in SWCNT (Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes) بحث مجلة Eng. &Tech.Journal, (University of Technology) 2015 download
Features of the Time Evolution of Localized Quantum States in Graphene بحث مجلة SPRINGER -SEMICONDUCTORS 2013 download
ДИНАМИКА ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ВОЛНОВЫХ ПАКЕТОВ В УГЛЕРОДНЫХ НАНОТРУБКАХ بحث مجلة Физика и техника высоких давлений 2013 download
Change in the Electronic Spectrum of a Carbon Nanotube during Elastic Deformation and the Relative Shear of Atomic Sublattices بحث مجلة SPRINGER -Technical Physics 2012 download
Особенности временной эволюции локализованных квантовых состояний в графене بحث مجلة Физика и техника полупроводников 2012 download
Изменение электронного спектра углеродной нанотрубки при упругой деформации и относительном сдвиге атомных подрешеток بحث مجلة Журнал технической физики 2012 download
Variation of Electron Spectrum of Elastically Plane Strained Graphene بحث مجلة SPRINGER -Technical Physics Letters 2011 download
Изменение электронного спектра при упругой плоской деформации графена بحث مجلة Письма в ЖТФ 2011 download
Lennard – Jones Coefficient C3 and Long – Range Retarded Potential for H,Alkali Atoms - Perfectly Conducting Surface Interaction بحث مجلة 2009
Higher – Order Dispersion Potential Coefficient C12 for H and Alkali – Metal Atoms Interactions بحث مجلة ……… JOURNAL OF COLLEGE O OF EDUCATION 2009 download
The Screening Effect(Screened Coulomb Potential) in Long-Range van der Waals and Retardation Coefficients for H-Solid Surface Interaction بحث مجلة 2008
The Electric Field effects on the charge state and the Potential Energy Surfaces of the system Na/Ni (110) بحث مجلة 2008
Triple – Dipole Dispersion Coefficient for H and Alkali Atoms in Ground and Excited S-State بحث مجلة Al- Mustansiriya J. Sci 2008 download
The Desorption field for Na ions from Ni surface بحث مجلة 2005 download
A Study The Dominant Long-Rnge Potential For One Electron Atoms In S-Ground & Excited State بحث مجلة 2004