الاسم : اسعد عبدالكريم عبدالحسن

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

القسم : نظم المعلومات الحاسوبية

البريد الالكتروني : asaad.abdulhassan@uobasrah.edu.iq

Asaad A. Alhijaj

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Protection of images by combination of vernam stream cipher, AES, and LSB steganography in a video clip بحث مجلة Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2023 download
Extending lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks using spider monkey optimization routing protocol بحث مجلة TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control 2022 download
Fuzzy Data Aggregation Approach to Enhance Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for HWSNs بحث مجلة Informatica 2022 download
Face Recognition Using The Basic Components Analysis Algorithm بحث مجلة IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2021 download
Extending of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime using Spider Monkey Protocol بحث مجلة TELKOMNIKA 2021 download
Fuzzy Dstar-Lite Routing Method for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network بحث مجلة Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and computer science 2020
Automatic Sound Synthesis Using the Fly Algorithm بحث مجلة TELKOMNIKA Telecomunication, Computing, Electronic and Control 2020
Hybrid Method for Encoding of Genetic and RC4 Algorithms بحث مجلة International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ISSN:1475-7192 2020 download
Stereo Images Encryption by OSA & RSA Algorithms بحث مؤتمر IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012045 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012045 2019 download
TDL and Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman in Stereo Images Encrypt بحث مجلة Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 01-Special Issue, 2019 2019 download
Crypto-Compression Image Scheme using DWT and AES-Arnold Transforms بحث مجلة IJCATM 2017 download
Development of LECRM ( Learning Environment of Circular and Rotational Movement ) in Physics by Using Object behavioral Modeling بحث مجلة Managerial Studies Journal 2014 download
"Design and Developing Online Iraqi Bus Reservation System by Using Unified Modeling Language" بحث مجلة IJSK 2013 download
" Using of Software Reuse Approaches to Develop UGELIB Web Application " بحث مجلة Journal of College of Education, Thi_Qar Unv. 2010 download
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