الاسم : أ.د. وائل عبد اللطيف كديمي

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : wail.godaymi@uobasrah.edu.iq

Prof. Dr. Wa'il Abdullateef Godaymi Al-Tumah

Dr. Wa’il Abdullateef Godaymi Al-Tumah Title: Professor in Electromagnetic Computations
Phone: +964 (0)7801138140 : Email: wail.godaymi@uobasrah.edu.iq; wailcomm@yahoo.com; w.altumah@gmail.com
Location: Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah / Iraq
Having graduated from University of Basrah with a B Sc in Physics in 1995, I took a year out embarking on an M Sc in Microwave Antennas at the same University. My PhD in Electromagnetic Computations was completed at Basrah University in early 2008. I work as a visitor researcher (Volunteer) in Electron Microscope Unit, Research Institute for Science & Technology in Medicine, School of Life Science, Keele University from 10th March 2014 till 5th September 2017.
- 2008 Ph.D. Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah "Electromagnetic Radiation from Circular–Shaped Microstrip Antennas as Bodies of Revolution".
- 1999 M.Sc. Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah "The Radiation Patterns of Linear and Planar arrays of Short Backfire Antennas Excited by a Coaxial Waveguide".
- 1995 B.Sc. Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah.
Research and Scholarship
My current research interests are in the electromagnetic computations, circular polarization, reduced the radar cross section, Health effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), the side effects of the microwave radiation on the animal tissues, and the auditory brainstem response (ABR) system. I am part of the Microwave Research Group within the Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah.
Teaching : ( Undergraduate Students )
Year 1: 2002-2005 : Mechanics. 2003-2006 : Electricity.
Year 2: 2009- 2012 : Magnetism. 2008-2013 : Fortran PowerStation
Year 3: 2009-2010 : Applied Mathematics-1. 2017-till now : Applied Mathematics-1. 2017-till now : Electromagnetic Theory.
Year 4: 2004-2006 : Introduction to Microwave Theory. 2007-2011 : Antenna Theory. 2010- 2013 : Applied Mathematics-2 (Special Functions)
Teaching : ( Postgraduate students )
(Postgraduate students) M Sc: 2008-2010: Numerical Methods for Solving Antenna Problems. 2009-2011: Electromagnetic Theory. 2012-2013 : Moment of Method.
2017-till now : Electrodynamics. 2017-till now Antenna Theory.
(Postgraduate students) PhD: 2010-2011: Principles of Microstrip Antennas. 2011-2012: Advanced in Microstrip Antennas. 2011-2012: Numerical analysis in Electromagnetic.
2011-2013: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 2017- till now : Advances in Antenna Theory. 2018- till now Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas.
1- Prof. Dr. Zeki A. Ahmed, University of , College of Science, Dept. of Physics; Basrah-Iraq.Cell Phone (009647801251032), E-Mail: zeki_abduallah@yahoo.com.
2- Prof. Dr. Ahmed H. Abood,Un