عنوان البحث |
النوع |
الناشر |
السنة |
عالمي |
مفرد |
ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس |
تحميل |
Heat Flow Calculation through FM-DQDs-FM System: Strong Coupling Regime
بحث مؤتمر |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1818 (2022) |
2022 |
optical and electrical properties of copper sulfide films prepared by chemical spry method
بحث مجلة |
Mutah Journal for research and studies |
2020 |
Spin Polarized Current through Serially coupled Double Quantum Dots with Rashba Spin- Orbit Interaction
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science Vol. 37 (1), 90-102 |
2019 |
ﺧﺼﺎﺋﺺ ﻧﻘﻞ اﻻلﻜﺘرون ﺧﻼل ﻧﻘﻄﺘﻴﻦ كمﻴﺘﻴﻦ ﻣﻘﺘرﻧﺘﻴﻦ: ﺗﺄﺛﻴر الﺘﻔﺎعل ﻏﻴر المﺒﺎﺷر
بحث مجلة |
Vol. 7, No. 13 and 14, P. (39-50)A, AL-Bahir Quarterly Refereed Journal for Natural and Engineering science |
2018 |
Electron tunneling through serially coupled double quantum dots: The coulomb blockade
بحث مجلة |
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 454 |
2018 |
Transport Through strong coupling Double Quantum Dots:Effect of Effective exchange Interaction ,
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Natural Sciences Research ,Vol.6, No.6 |
2016 |
Electron transport properties of Two Quantum Dots Molecules;
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Basrah researches Science |
2016 |
Coulomb Blockade of tunneling through serially coupled double quantum dots.
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science (A |
2016 |
Temperature effect on the effective secondary emission coefficient for He and Ne gases
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Al- Qadisiya pure Science vol.20, no. 4 |
2015 |
Some parameters dependency on the effective secondary emission coefficient (ESEC) in micro discharge )
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Al- Qadisiya pure Science |
2015 |
Negative ion formation during scattering of H- atom from –Al (111) Thin Film: using perturbative method.,
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Thi-Qar Science Vol.4 ) |
2014 |
Resonance electron capture calculation in atom- surface scattering : H-Formation at Au (100) and Ag (110) Thin films, Basrah Journal of Science (A)
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science (A) Vol. 30 (1), 130- 143 |
2012 |
Emission of short wave radiation during ion impact on solid surfaces .
بحث مجلة |
FIZIKA A (Zagreb) 19 , 3, 153- 164 |
2010 |
Theoretical Study in the Ion Grazing Scattering on Aluminum Surface: Neutral Fraction Calculation
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science (A), vol. 27 No.1 |
2009 |
Dissociation Probability Calculation of H2- Molecule on Solid Surfaces,
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science (A), vol. 23, No.1 |
2005 |
Study in the Molecular Chemisorption -Orientational Effects,
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of Science (A), vol. 22 No.1 |
2004 |
Study in the Molecular Chemisorption on Solid Surfaces,
بحث مجلة |
J. of Basrah Researches ), vol. 28 No.1 |
2002 |
Electrical and Optical Properties of CdAl2S4 Thin Films, ).
بحث مجلة |
J. Basrah Researches, Vol.24, part 3 |
2000 |
Optical and Electrical Properties of CdxMn1-xS Thin Films,).
بحث مجلة |
Basrah J. Science, vol. 16, No. 1 |
1998 |
1- Neutron Irradiation Effect on Absorption Edge of ZnS Single Crystal,
بحث مجلة |
Basrah J. Science, vol. 15, No.1, |
1997 |
Using the Prepared by Spry Pyrolysis Technique to Prepared ZnS, ZnS:Cu Thin Films,
بحث مجلة |
1997 |
Absorption Edge and Energy gap of Copper Doping Cadmium Disulphide Coating,).
بحث مجلة |
J.Math. Phys., V0; 14, No. 1 |
1993 |
Electrical and Optical Properties of Polycrystalline Ag- Doped CdS Thin Films).
بحث مجلة |
Acta Physica Hangarica ,Vol.37, No.1 |
1993 |
Study of the Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu2S Thin Films Prepared by Spry Pyrolysis Technique
بحث مجلة |
J.Math. Phys., V0. 12 |
1991 |
Optical Parameters of Chemically Deposited Tin Disulphide, ).
بحث مجلة |
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), Vol.91 |
1985 |