العنوان : استاذ مساعد
الكلية : الزراعة
القسم : علوم التربة والموارد المائية
البريد الالكتروني : zainab.kadhim@uobasrah.edu.iq
رابط Google Scholar: | https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=TezK_ocAAAAJ |
رابط Research Gate : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zainab-Kadhim-10 |
رابط Web of Science : | https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/3952894 |
رابط Scopus : | https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57211514992 |
رابط ORCID : | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9595-5429 |
عنوان البحث | النوع | الناشر | السنة | عالمي | مفرد | ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس | تحميل |
Investigation the Effect of Exposure Aspergillus niger Isolate to the UV Radiation on Its Superphosphate Fertilizer Dissolving Efficiency in Calcareous Soi | بحث مجلة | Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | 2024 | |||||
The effect of fermented poultry waste by various methods (compost, soaking in water, bioreactor technology) supported by the mineral recommendation | بحث مجلة | TH-Qar journal agriculture research | 2023 | |||||
Effect of fermentation time on the Properties of fermented poultry waste by different methods | بحث مجلة | Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences | 2023 | |||||
Use poultry manure product of Biogas and its role in growth in Barley plants | بحث مؤتمر | مؤتمر النور الدولي الرابع للعلوم والتكنلوجيا -الجمعية العراقيةللادارة الهندسية | 2022 | |||||
Effect of Bacillus polymyxa as wild or mutant by UV and dignosed with PCR on the available phosphate fertilizer in calcareuos soils and growth yield of corn (Zea maysL. ) S | بحث مجلة | Zainab K. Hasan and Alla M.Khaairalla | 2021 | |||||
تاثير زمن الاحتجازالهيدروليكي في بعض الخصائص لسماد العضوي الساند المنتج في الهاضم اللاهوائي والمنشا محليا | بحث مجلة | علي ماجد جابر و زينب كاظم حسن | 2021 | |||||
-Effect of integrated fertilization system ( mineral- manure and inoculants ) On growth and Nand P content of barley plants | بحث مجلة | Zainab K.Hasan , Ashour N.I. and Jassim H.f. , | 2020 | |||||
The efficiency of organic and inorganic carriers in growth and survival of bacteria (Azosperillum Lipoferum and Bacillus Polymyxa ) in vitro | بحث مجلة | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | |||||
The effect of the bacterial inoculation on the some physical and chemical properties for sandy soil and corn crop growth parameters (Zea Mays L.) | بحث مجلة | Kawther Aziz Al-Mosawi; Zainab Kadhem Hasan and Hussam Jasim Mohammed | 2017 | |||||
Influence of single and daul bacterial inocubation in growth and nitrogen , phosphoures uptake of corn (Zea Mays L.)plants grown in affected saline L | بحث مجلة | Zainab Kadhem Hasan and Abd-Al-Mahdi Al-Ansari | 2016 | |||||
Assessmentof CadmiumandLeadeffectonthegrowthofphosphatedissolvedbacter | بحث مجلة | Zainab K.Hasan | 2015 | |||||
Assessmentofheavymetalspollutioninsoilanddatepalm(Phoenix dactyliferra | بحث مجلة | Mohamed H.Abass, Zainab K. Hasan,Khearallah M. Al-Jabary | 2015 |