C.V. Name: Prof. Adil Hashim Ali AL-Zamil ( Ph.D.) Nationality: Iraqi Generation: 1977 Mobile: 00964 7712447889 E-mail: adil.hashim@uobasrah.edu.iq • Vice Dean for a scientific affairs and postgraduate College of Arts, University of Basra .(2015-2018). • Editorial board(in Chief) . Journal of college of Arts(2016-2022) , https://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=issues&jId=50&uiLanguage=ar. Certifications: . • PhD Sumerian and Babylonian civilization . University of BAGHDAD 2007 . • MA History, University of Basra 2001 • BA English language 2014 . Activities: • Teaching Mesopotamian Archaeology and History , undergraduate . • Mesopotamian literature , Postgraduate.( Basra University ) . Languages : Arabic (mother tongue). English: reading , writing and conversation ( good) . Akkadian : reading and translation. Publications : • Social structure in Mesopotamia , until end of the first dynasty of Babylon (PhD dissertation). The Spread of Christianity in Iraq in the Sassanian Period‏ Hellenistic Religious Monuments in The Arabian Gulf (323-30 BC)‏ The Most Significant Monuments In Nuffer (Nippur city )‏ The new Basrah Museum: dedicated to the archaeological and historical inheritance of Basrah and Iraq‏ آلهة قوم نوح في القران الكريم The Gods of The People of Noah in The Religious Texts Study in the linguistic Origin in Sumerian History.[In Arabic]‏‏ سياسة العفو عند ملوك المملكة الآشورية الحديثة) 911-612 ق. م (دراسة تاريخية تحليلية The policy of amnesty of the kings of the neo- Assyrian kingdom (911-612 BC). Ka'ab al-Ahbar's Stories in the History of Prophets (Peace be upon Them) روايات كعب الاحبار في تاريخ الانبياء‏‏ Pronouns in the Akadian Language الضمائر في اللغة الاكدية‏ Arabian Gulf Ships Importance and Its Role in Mesopotamia Astudy in Cuneiform Texts سفن الخليج العربي اهميتها , دراسة في النصوص المسمارية‏ Koty City (Tel Ibrahim), the home of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him مدينة كوثى تل ابراهيم موطن النبي ابراهيم عليه السلام‏‏ media state (745 BC-550 BC). First empire in the ancient history of Iran الدولة الميدية , اول امبراطورية في تاريخ ايران القديم‏ the monotheism characterizes of the King Nebuchadnezzar II ملامح التوحيد عند الملك نبوخذ نصر الثاني‏ The prophet Ibrahim AL-Khalil (peace be upon him) the historical identity‏ • Other works (https://uobasrah.academia.edu/AdilhashimAli )