Name : Majid Abdulhameed Abed

title : Professor

College : Arts

Department : Arabic language

Email :

Majid Abdulhameed Abed
Title of the activity Activity type Year local
الامام علي (ع) في ضمير الشعراء/ بيت الشعر / اتحاد ادباء البصرة Lecture 2019
الاستشراق معرفة خطرة/ اتحاد ادباء البصرة Lecture 2019
مؤتمر الترجمة والثقافة بين النظرية والتطبيق ، قسم الترجمة ، كلية الاداب ، جامعة البصرة ، 16 - 17 / 4 / 2018 )عنوان البحث : الايديولوجيا والترجمة : الخطاب الاستشراقي مثالا( Conference - Participant 2018
7 - مؤتمر تحقيق المخطوطات واحياء تراث البصرة المخطوط ، 25 - 26 / 12 / 2017 )عنوان البحث: المستشرقون الانكليز ودورهم في تحقيق مخطوطات الادب العربي( Conference - Participant 2017
حلقة نقاشية في قسم اللغة العربية / كلية الاداب / جامعة البصرة بعنوان : الاستشراق الانكليزي والادب العربي : مرحلة الريادة ، المستشرق ادوارد بوكوك ، 20 / 12 / 2017 . Seminar 2017
مؤتمر الراهن النقدي في تدريس الادب ، قسم اللغة العربية /كلية الاداب / جامعة البصرة ، 6 / 12 / 2017 ) عنوان البحث: تاريخ الادب بوصفه تحديا للعصور السياسية( Conference - Participant 2017
Creativity and Resilience in the First World War- a Drawing and Discussion Workshop. Brotherton Library, Special Collection. Workshop 2015
Dangerous Comparisons: Thinking about the British in French Algeria. Arthur Asseraf , Oxford). Seminar 2015
Dangerous Comparisons: Thinking about the British in French Algeria. Arthur Asseraf , Oxford). Seminar 2015
Language Blank Literature; from Conjunction to Preposition. Professor David Crystal. Seminar 2015
‘What is a Crisis of Language? French Literature and the Great War.’ Philippe Roussin (Visiting Professor in French Studies, Wadham College, Director of Studies, CNRS / Maison Française, Oxford) Seminar 2015
Tony Blair: Avarice, Aggression, Aftermath Panel presentations followed by audience questions Conference - Guest 2015
‘Beneath the gown of Balzac’ (some view-point on the creativity-procreativity metaphor) Claudine Mitchell Conference - Guest 2015
Setting yourself up in the Industry as Professional Linguists Workshop 2015
Roland Barthes Poetry Conference Conference - Guest 2015
Setting yourself up in the Industry as Professional Linguists Workshop 2015
Classical Receptions in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Conference - Guest 2015
Religion and global politics in the 21st Conference - Guest 2015
Language and culture: Documentation of the Modern South Arabian Languages. Professor Janet Watson, Leadership Chair for Language at Leeds. Seminar 2014
Omission and addition in journalism translation Sabir Birot (PhD Student, Centre for Translation Studies) and Mapping the field of Arabic fiction translations into English: A sociological perspective Seminar 2014
Public debate on Academic Boycott. Speaker for the motion are Jonatan Rosen head and Sue Blackwell. The speakers against the motion are Robert Fine and Hugh Hubbard Conference - Keynote Speaker 2014
Antique Worlds: How Production Design Shapes our Sense of the Past Prof. Ian Christie. Workshop 2014
Descent with imagination: On the phylogenetic analysis of folktales, a talk presented by Dr Jamie Tehrani (University of Durham). Seminar 2014
Working as a Professional Linguist for the EU Institutions Workshop 2014
The two hours, traffic of our stage: Time for Shakespeare. Prof. Tiffany Stern (University of Oxford). Seminar 2014
The third reading group session of 2014/15 for Reading the Fantastic. Workshop 2014
Public debate on Academic Boycott. Speaker for the motion are Jonatan Rosen head and Sue Blackwell. The speakers against the motion are Robert Fine and Hugh Hubbard Conference - Keynote Speaker 2014
المؤتمر العلمي السنوي /كلية الاداب / جامعة البصرة/ 2014 )عنوان البحث : قراءة فيلولوجية في النحو العربي Conference - Participant 2014
Word strings, idiolect and authorship attribution. David Wright (school of English, University of Leeds) and Lexical Simplification. Improving understandability, reducing errors Training course 2014
Antique Worlds: How Production Design Shapes our Sense of the Past Prof. Ian Christie. Workshop 2013
Workshop about Genre in Translation (crossing cultural, linguistics, disciplinary, media and other boundaries Workshop 2013
The challenges of literary translation. Workshop 2013
Researching Interpreting: Focus on Methodology, Prof Franz from Vienna University Training course 2013
Applications of appraisal theory for the analysis of text types in translation. Speaker: Marina Manfred, University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Workshop 2013
His Life and Poetry : المتنبي Lecture 2013
Mapping of Literary Translation in Egypt (2000-2010): A Sociological Perspective. Dr. Hanna Seminar 2013
Innovation and Experimentation: Language Style in New Era Chinese Literature on and Experimentation Seminar 2012
PhD students in LLT, Wednesday, 18 January, 12-1 in Michael Sadler SR 3.40. talking about how the students can best collaborate in the LLT group/network Training course 2012
شعر ابي نؤاس / دراسة ثقافية Leeds University Lecture 2012
Writing Skills Workshop Workshop 2012
Theory of the novel: literary history as cultural critique Conference - Guest 2012
The H.M sultan Qaboos Academic Chairs Symposium Cutting-Edge contributions to Middle Eastern studies. University of Cambridge Conference - Guest 2012
Cross-linguistic influences in the L 2 processing of tense/aspect Speaker: Leah Roberts, University of York Workshop 2012
Phonological acquisition in Arabic-speaking children: The transition from phonetics to phonology Workshop 2012
المؤتمر العلمي الثاني كلية الاداب/ جامعة البصرة/ 20 / 4 / 2010 )محاولة في تجديد النحو العربي Conference - Participant 2010
المؤتمر العلمي السنوي/ كلية الاداب/ جامعة البصرة 22 / 4 / 2009 Conference - Participant 2009
المؤتمر العلمي الاول كلية الاداب / جامعة ذي قار/ 2008 - 2009 )عنوان البحث: تجديد الخطاب الديني Conference - Participant 2008
ملتقى السياب الثاني / جامعة البصرة/ 9 - 11 / 2007 Conference - Participant 2007
- ملتقى السياب الاول / جامعة البصرة/ 2006 Conference - Participant 2006