Name : Ahmed Naseh Ahmed Hamdan

title : Professor

College : Engineering

Department : Civil Engineering

Email :

Ahmed Naseh Ahmed Hamdan

Name: Dr. Ahmed Naseh Ahmed Hamdan AL_ Temimi
Date of Birth: 1969-1-31
Place of Birth: Basrah
Nationality: Iraqi
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 4
Address: Iraq- Basrah- Hai Al Khaleej Al -Arabi
Telephone number: +964-7717300696
Scientific Rank: Assistant Prof.
General Specialty: Civil Engineering
precise specialization: Fluid Mechanics
Date of first appointment at the university: May- 2002

Number of Thanks from University of Basrah chancellor :9
Total Number of thanks :30
The certificates and scientific titles:

PhD decertation : Predictive Control of Activated Sludge Process using Neural Network
MSc Thesis: Numerical modeling of the Shatt Al-Arab river plume

1. Designing by using computers software such as Autocad 2D and 3D , 3D max, Land development , and GIS. Software
2. Professional in using the various computer design programs such as, Internet ,photoshop, surfer ,Grapher, Ms project ,Primavera and Office group (Word ,Excel , access ,power point and Outlook).
3. Good designer for seweage networks and other sanitary works.
4. Professional to using M S Project program .
5. Professional to using Primavera 3 & 6 program
6. Professional to using Matlab and Mapple software.
7. Professional to using Hec-Ras and Hec-Hms. softwares

Number of published papers : 29
Number of conference papers: 9
Number of workshops : 7
Number of published books :1