Name : Abdalhussein Alaial Khwedem

title : Lecturer

College : Marine Science

Department : Marine Science Center

Email :

Abdalhussein Alaial Khwedem
Abdalhussein Alaial Khwedem Al Hussein- Q Basrah- Iraq Tel: +9647703145808 e-mail Date of Birth: 1/7/1967 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married (have five children ) Nationality: Iraqi EDUCATION: -19/6/2013 Al Qadissiy University MSc chemistry (Synthesis polymers & Enviromental aplications ) Thesis: Preparation of Polymeric Resins and their Applications as Selective Chelating Complexation to Some Heavy Metals. -1993 University of Basrah Faculty of education BSc in Chemistry. EXPERIENCE: -2003 I have worked as a chemist assistant in M.S.C (Marine Science Center) Basrah University I taken part with my professors in a number of projects and scientific research in the field of environmental and pollution. List of papers 1- Environmital Assessment of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in fish species from North-West Arabian Gulf 2- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Some Fishes from the Iraqi Marine Waters 3- Tritment of spil oil in khour Al zubeir 4- Synthesis and characterization of copolymer derived from salisylic acid, furfural and resorcinol and its chelating complexation to cationic trace elements 5- Distribution of total Mercury in the water and sediments of the Shatt al - Arab area 6- Use of Some Phytoplankton from Shatt al-Arab Estuary in the Production of Hydrocarbons 7- MONTHLY VARIATIONS OF PARTICULATE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IN THE WATERS OF SHATT AL-ARAB RIVER/ SOUTHERN IRAQ 8- ION EXCHANGE PROPERTIES OF A TERPOLYMER RESEN DERIVED FROM SALICYLIC ACID, PYROGALOL AND FURFURAL 9- Estimation of Hydrocarbon Compounds in Drinking Water in Misan Governorate / Iraq 10- Synthesis and Characterization of Copolymers Derived from Salicylic Acid, Acryloamide, and Furfural (SAF's) and their study as Ion Exchange Resins for Toxic Divalent Cationc 11- Origins and distribution of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and sediments of some rivers in Misan Province, Iraq 12- ASSESSMENT OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHS) IN WATER AND SEDIMENTS AT SOUTH PART OF ALHAMMER MARSH, SOUTHERN IRAQ 13- N-Alkanes in the Southern part of Al – Hammar marsh, Southern Iraq 14- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in intertidal Mudflat in South of Iraq 15- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Selected Fish of Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq