Name : Ali A. Yassin

title : Professor

College : Education for Pure Sciences

Department : Computer Science

Email :

Ali A. Yassin

Prof.Dr. Ali Adil Yassin AlAmri (Iraqi) is currently working as a lecturer with the Computer Science Dept., Education College for Pure Science, Basra University, Iraq. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Basra University, Basra, Iraq and his Ph.D. from Huazhong University for Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China. His research interest includes Security of Cloud computing, Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Biometric, Data Integrity, DNA Cryptography, Steganography, Sharing Data, Graphical Password, QR Code, and Soft computing.
Now, I am working as a lecturer at Basra University/ Education College for Pure Science/ Computer Dept., working on the Cloud Security, Biometric Authentication, and Image Processing. From 2010 to 2013, I was a PhD. student working with Prof. Hai Jin in the Services Computing Technology and System Laboratory (SCTS) at Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), China. From Aug. to Sept. 2015, I was worked as a visiting scholar with Prof. Jian Yao in the Computer Vision and Remote Sensing Lab., Remote Sensing and Information Engineering School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. I have been presented Academic presentations and scientific research during these time period.
My research is focused around Password Authentication and Cloud Security. My current research focuses on Biometric Authentication and presenting a new scheme in MAC of user’s identity. Previously my work centered on improving password authentication based on Cloud environment. I also presented new schemes in the biometric, smart card fields, QR code, and DNA Cryptography.
I am also broadly interested in other research areas such as: Data integrity, Video recognition, and Image processing, E-learning, Data hiding. He is also broadly interested in other research areas such as: Data integrity, Video recognition, E-learning, Data hiding, and Image processing. He is a member in the IEEE society, society of digital information and wireless communication (SDIWC), and Senior membership of American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT), Computer Vision and Remote Sensing Lab, Wuhan University, China.