Name : Alaa Abdul-Imam

title : Assistant Professor

College : Education for Girls

Department : History

Email :

Alaa Abdul-Imam

د. االاء عبد االمام عبد الزهرة الرياحي
المواليد 1975
محل التولد البصرة
الجنسية عراقية االلكتروني البريد
تلفون 07806334453
اللقب العلمي استاذ مساعد
االختصاص العام علم اللغة االنكليزية العام
االختصاص الدقيق علم النظام الصوتي
المنصب معاون عميد كلية التربية للبنات للشؤون العلمية والدراسات العليا 2023-2020
المنصب عميد كلية التربية للبنات 9 تموز -2023
الشهادات وااللقاب العلمية
الشهادة تاريخها عنوان الرسالة / االطروحة الجامعة البلد
Pronunciation Errors in the 2000 الماجستير
Intonation of English Imperatives
by Iraqi Foreign Language Learners
البصره العراق
Polite Basri Iraqi Arabic 2020 الدكتوراة
Intonational Patterns: An Acoustic
البصرة العراق
Strategies of Question -Asking in D. H.
Lawrence's "Odour of Crysanthemums":A
Taxonomical Stylistic Study.
Adab Al-Basrah No(39), PP. 19-42, 2005
Pronunciation errors in the intonation of
question tags made by Iraqi learners of
Journal of Basrah Researches (The Humanities)
Volume 32, Number 2, PP, 5-51, 2008
An investigation of the Effects of Oral Reading
Fluency on the Comprehension of Iraqi
Learners at the University Level
Adab Al-Basrah, Volume 54, Number 2, PP. 1-23,
Lexical Collocational Errors in the Writings of
Iraqi EFL Learners.
Adab Al-Basrah, Volume 58, PP. 24-51, 2011
The Effect of Topic Familiarity on EFL Reading
Adab Al-Basrah, Volume 56, PP. 64-95, 2011
The Perception and Interpretation of English
Tones by Iraqi Learners at the University
Level: A Statistical Study.
Gender Variation Elicited in the Intonational
Patterns of Compliments in Everyday Spoken
Iraqi Arabic: An Auditory Study
Adab Al-Basrah, Volume 90, PP. 1-32, 2019
Gender Variation Elicited in the Intonational
Patterns of Address Terms in Everyday
Spoken Iraqi Arabic: An Acoustic Study
Al Basrah Studies Journal, Volume 14, Issue no.
33, PP. 1-68, 2019
The Intonational Patterns of Hospitality and
Generosity Utterances in Everyday Spoken
Iraqi Arabic: An Auditory Perspective
Human Sciences Research Journal, Issue 24, PP
227-239, 2020
Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social Greetings in Iraqi Arabic: An Auditory Study
and Legal Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Issue 1.
June - 2022
Language-image Inter-semiotic Relations in Iraqi
EFL Textbooks
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة . السنة الخامسة / المجلد الخامس /العدد الثاني
/ ملحق 2 لسنة 2023 م -4444ه
Substitution and Deletion in the Speech of PreSchool Missani Iraqi Arabic Children: A Generative
Case Study