الاسم : محمد فاضل عبد الواحد

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : mohammed.al-mudhaffer@uobasrah.edu.iq

Mohammed Fadhil Abdul-Wahid Al-Mudhaffer

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Synthesis and properties of flexible supercapacitor based on zinc-aluminum layered doubled hydroxide بحث مجلة Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2024) 176925 2024
Performance optimization of active layer doped P3HT:PCBM nanoparticles for organic photovoltaic cell applications بحث مجلة J Nanoparticle Research 2023
Preparation and optical characterization of nanoparticle organic photoactive layer using new fullerene بحث مجلة Physica Scripta 2022 download
Optimization of Nanoparticle Organic Photovoltaic Device Performance using SCAPS Software بحث مجلة Journal of Electronic Materials 2021 download
Synthesis, morphological and optical characterizations of the poly (O-toluidine)-LiCl networks thin film بحث مجلة Optics & Laser Technology 2021 download
Investigations of the incident light angle effect on the organic photovoltaics devices performance using varied acceptor ratio بحث مجلة Physica Scripta-IOP 2021 download
A nuanced approach for assessing OPV materials for large scale applications بحث مجلة Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2020
Synthesis, morphological and optical characterizations of the poly (Otoluidine) بحث مجلة Optics and Laser Technology 2020 download
Relating nanoscale structure to optoelectronic functionality in multiphase donor–acceptor nanoparticles for printed electronics applications بحث مجلة MRS Communications 2020 download
The Contribution of Fullerene Photocurrent Generation to Organic Solar Cell Performance بحث مجلة The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019
The Role of Stabilizing Surfactant on Capacitance, Charge and Ion Transport in Organic Nanoparticle-Based Electronic Devices بحث مجلة ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019
Manipulating Nanoscale Chemistry to Control Functionality in Multipurpose Printed Electronic Device Platforms بحث مؤتمر International Conference on Nanoscience and NanotechnologyAt: University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia 2018
The origin of performance limitations in miniemulsion nanoparticulate organic photovoltaic devices بحث مجلة Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2018
Optical and Electrical Characterisation of Bulk Heterojunction and Nanoparticulate Morphologies for Printed Large Area Organic Photovoltaics اطروحة University of Newcastle 2018
Analysing Loss Mechanisms in a Novel Low-Cost Acceptor with Various Functionalized Fullerene Acceptors in Organic Photovoltaics بحث مؤتمر The 3rd International Scientafic ConferenceAt: Basra - Iraq 2018
Large Area Printed Organic Photovoltaics: Identifying and Removing Loss Mechanisms in a Novel Low Cost Ternary Blend Acceptor System بحث مؤتمر AIP Summar Meeting 2017 2017
Understanding Competing Photoconversion Kinetics in Printable Nanoparticulate Solar Cells بحث مجلة RACI National Centenary Conference-Australia 2017
Energy level engineering in ternary organic solar cells: Evaluating exciton dissociation at organic semiconductor interfaces بحث مجلة Applied Physics Letters 2017
A low-cost mixed fullerene acceptor blend for printed electronics بحث مجلة Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016
Optical characterization and all-optical switching of benzenesulfonamide azo dye بحث مجلة Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 2015
Probing the origin of photocurrent in nanoparticulate organic photovoltaics بحث مجلة Energy Technology 2015
Probing the origin of photocurrent in nanoparticulate organic photovoltaics بحث مجلة Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2015
Roll-to-Roll Sputter Coating of Aluminum Cathodes for Large-Scale Fabrication of Organic Photovoltaic Devices بحث مجلة Energy Technology 2015
Nonlinear optical responses and limiting behavior of sulfadiazine-chromotropic acid azo dye بحث مجلة Optical and Quantum Electronics 2014
Nonlinear optical and thermal properties of BCP: PMMA films determined by thermal self-diffraction بحث مجلة Optics & Laser Technology 2013
Study of the linear optical properties and surface energy loss of thin films بحث مجلة Chalcogenide Letters 2012
Optical Parameters and Absorption Studies of Benzene-sulfonamide Azo Dye Thin Film Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Method بحث مجلة 2012
Third-order optical nonlinearities and optical-limiting properties of phloxine B dye doped PMMA films investigated by Z-scan technique بحث مجلة Romanian Journal of Physics 2012
Thickness influence on the optical properties and electron energy loss function for the preparer from polymeric dye (Natral - Red) loaded on the polym بحث مؤتمر Conferences -College of EducationAt: Mustansiriya University -Baghdad Iraq 2012
Linear optical properties and energy loss function of Novolac: Epoxy blend film بحث مجلة Archives of Applied Science Research 2012
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of (PDPT) Thin Film بحث مؤتمر AIP Conference Proceedings 2012
Study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of Neutral Red doped Polyvinylpyrrolidone film بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) 2011
Measurement of the Nonlinear Refractive Index and Thermo-optic Coefficient of BCP: PMMA Films by Thermal Self-Diffraction بحث مؤتمر Conferences of Sciences CollegeAt: Sciences College –Babylon University-Babylon-Iraq 2010
Z-Scan measurements in Polyvinylpyrrolidone doped with 3-amino-7-dimethylamino-2-methyl phenazine azo dye بحث مجلة مجلة ابحاث البصرة-العلميات 2010 download
Optical Properties, Interband Transition Strength and the Surface, Volume Energy Loss Function of Titanium Dioxide Film ‫ بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) 2010