الاسم : فالح حسين خضير

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : falih.khudair@uobasrah.edu.iq

Falih Hussain Khudair  Al-Khudair

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Nuclear structure investigation of odd-odd 92–98Y nuclei بحث مجلة Physical Review C - APS 2023 download
Investigation of the high-spin yrast band structure of 236 – 246 Pu isotopes بحث مجلة Physical Review C - APS 2022 download
Symmetry and mixed-symmetry states in the transitional nuclei neodymium A=144−154 بحث مجلة Indian Journal of Physics -Springer 2021
Cubic Interaction and Triaxiality in 236−246Pu Nuclei بحث مجلة Physics of Atomic Nuclei -Springer 2021 download
Nuclear shape phase transition in even-even 158− 168Hf isotopes بحث مجلة )Nuclear Physics A (Elsevier 2020 download
Positive-parity states and electromagnetic transitions of odd-A Pr and Ce isotopes بحث مجلة International Journal of Modern Physics E 2020 download
Structure of the low-lying positive and negative parity states in even–even 144−154Nd isotopes بحث مجلة International Journal of Modern Physics E 2019 download
Investigation of isospin excited and mixed-symmetry states in even–even N=Z nuclei بحث مجلة International Journal of Modern Physics E ) world scientific) 2018 download
STRUCTURE OF POSITIVE PARITY STATES IN 141-147LA ISOTOPES بحث مجلة (Journal of Basrah Researches ( Sciences 2017 download
Nuclear structure of the odd 177-183Ta isotopes بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences 2016 download
Search for mixed-symmetry state in even-even Ce isotopes within the interacting boson model-2 بحث مجلة Turkish Journal of Physics 2015 download
Nuclear structure of A=110 isobars in framework of Proton Neutron Interacting Boson Model (IBM-2) بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences 2015 download
Level structure of the Ge, Se, and Kr (N= 52, 53) isotopes within the framework of the interacting boson model Authors بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2015 download
Shape Transition and Triaxial Interaction Effect in the Structure of 152− 166Dy Isotopes بحث مجلة IOP Communications in Theoretical Physics 2014 download
Using configuration mixing in the study of the nuclear structure of 86-104 Zr in the framework of IBM-1 بحث مجلة (Journal of Basrah Researches ( Sciences 2014
Bands Levels structure and electromagnetic transitions of O(6) nucleus 128Xe بحث مجلة Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences 2014 download
IDENTIFICATION OF MIXED SYMMETRY STATES IN 180-186 W ISOTOPES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF IBM-2 بحث مجلة International Journal of Physics and Research (IJPR) 2014 download
Nuclear Structure 0f Ce Isotopes Using IBM Results بحث مجلة (Journal of Basrah Researches ( Sciences 2013
delta (E2/M1) and X (E0/E2) mixing ratios in^{134} Ba by means of IBM-2 بحث مجلة Turkish Journal of Physics 2012 download
Nuclear structure of the neutron-rich 140–148Ba isotopes بحث مجلة IOP Physica Scripta 2011 download
Mixed symmetry states and β decays of odd-A Xe to I isotopes بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2009 download
Low-lying states and isospin excitation in the Ge isotopes بحث مجلة IOP Chinese Physics C 2009 download
Competition in rotation-alignment between high-j neutrons and protons in transfermium nuclei بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2009 download
Mixed symmetry states and isospin excitation in the N =Z nucleus 28Si بحث مجلة IOP Chinese Physics C 2009 download
γ-vibrational states in superheavy nuclei بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2008 download
Negative-parity states and β decays in odd Ho and Dy nuclei with A= 151, 153 بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2007 download
Properties of the 0 + 2 state and isospin excitation in the N = Z nucleus 68 Se بحث مجلة Physical Review C ) American Physical Society ) 2007 download
Calculations of Relativistic Consistent Angular-momentum Projected Shell-model for Exotic بحث مجلة Nuclear Physics Review 2006 download
Structure of to Light Germanium Isotopes in the Framework of the IBM-3 بحث مجلة (Journal of Basrah Researches ( Sciences 2006 download
Calculation of the giant monopole resonance using relativistic mean field theory بحث مجلة High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 2004 download
Triaxial interaction effect in the structure of 148-158Sm بحث مجلة IOP Chinese Physics 2004 download
Isospin and symmetry structure in the f 7/2 shell 44-48Ti isotopes بحث مجلة Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 2004 download
Isospin and F-spin symmetry structure in low-lying levels of 48, 50Cr isotopes بحث مجلة IOP Chinese Physics 2004 download
Isospin and mixed symmetry excitations in Zn60-66 isotopes بحث مجلة High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 2004 download
Symmetry and mixed symmetry band structures in low-lying levels of 76-84Kr isotopes بحث مجلة High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 2004 download
Detailed Description of Mixed Symmetry States in 94Mo Using Interacting Boson Model بحث مجلة Communications in Theoretical Physics IOP 2002 download
Mixed symmetry states in even-even 96-108Mo Nuclei بحث مجلة Communications in Theoretical Physics IOP 2002 download
Triaxiality and quadrupole interactions effect on the structure of 154-158Gd بحث مجلة (Journal of Basrah Researches ( Sciences 2000 download
Electromagnetic transition in deformation Yb-168-170 nuclei بحث مجلة Basrah J sciences 1998 download