العنوان : مدرس
الكلية : طب الزهراء
القسم : Anatomy
البريد الالكتروني : farqad.mohsson@uobasrah.edu.iq
CV form for college website
Name: Farqad Majeed Mohsson Al-Hamdani
Contact information Address: AlZahraa Medical College, Basrah, Iraq
Email address: farqadalhamdani1971@gmail.com
Roles and Memeberships: Lecturer
MSc in medical mycology
PhD in Microbiology, Medical Mycology
Research Line:
Publications( recent 3):
Occurrence of Indoor Aeromycota in the Houses of Basra City, Iraq.
مجلة علوم البصرة – العدد BJ5-B4 بتاريخ 28 -9-2000