الاسم : اسعد عيسى عاشور

العنوان : مدرس

الكلية : الطب

القسم : طب الأطفال

البريد الالكتروني : asaad.ashour@uobasrah.edu.iq

CurricCurriculum Vitae


Name: Asaad Issa Ashour
Address: Basrah Medical College / Basrah / Iraq
Department: Pediatrics
Email address: asaad692000@yahoo.com

Roles and Memberships:
1. Senior lecturer in department of Pediatrics: provide regular teaching and training for undergraduate students.
2. Member of the Iraqi and Arab Pediatric society since 2004.

1. Counsel of Arab Board for Medical Specialization in Pediatrics (C.A.B.P.) 2003
2. Fellowship of Iraqi Commission for Medical Specialization in Pediatrics (F.I.C.M.S.) 2004
3. M.B.Ch.B. (Basra Medical College, 1993).
Research Line:
Google Schollar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IRJLfiIAAAAJ&hl=en&gmla=AJsN-F7vq1-lM1Jd_zHX8SPOwN2bnNjYFKMKi1e-wZUoVCoKa1uyjR4h9mCos6gOaIuIdgDxdk5M7L1pOcdXZgVTaDz99ULhFpwxgZesUpYoyGlrazXyco4&sciund=14694847222581245444
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Asaad_Alabdullah
publon https://publons.com/researcher/3098333/asaad-ashour/
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3041-551X

Publications :
Serum magnesium level in asthmatic children during acute attack and in between exacerbation
ulum Vitae


Name: Asaad Issa Ashour
Address: Basrah Medical College / Basrah / Iraq
Department: Pediatrics
Email address: asaad692000@yahoo.com

Roles and Memberships:
1. Senior lecturer in department of Pediatrics: provide regular teaching and training for undergraduate students.
2. Member of the Iraqi and Arab Pediatric society since 2004.

1. Counsel of Arab Board for Medical Specialization in Pediatrics (C.A.B.P.) 2003
2. Fellowship of Iraqi Commission for Medical Specialization in Pediatrics (F.I.C.M.S.) 2004
3. M.B.Ch.B. (Basra Medical College, 1993).
Research Line:
Google Schollar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IRJLfiIAAAAJ&hl=en&gmla=AJsN-F7vq1-lM1Jd_zHX8SPOwN2bnNjYFKMKi1e-wZUoVCoKa1uyjR4h9mCos6gOaIuIdgDxdk5M7L1pOcdXZgVTaDz99ULhFpwxgZesUpYoyGlrazXyco4&sciund=14694847222581245444
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Asaad_Alabdullah
publon https://publons.com/researcher/3098333/asaad-ashour/
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3041-551X

Publications :
Serum magnesium level in asthmatic children during acute attack and in between exacerbation