الاسم : بهاء عبد الحسين احمد

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : الطب

القسم : طب الأطفال

البريد الالكتروني : bahaa.ahmed@uobasrah.edu.iq

Bahaa Abdalhussein Ahmed
Curriculum Vitae

Personal details:
Dr Baha Abd Al –Hussein Ahmed Al-Ethan
M.B.Ch.B,FICSM,CABP( Paediatrician )
Department of Paediatrics,
Medical college,
University of Basrah,
Mobile phone 009647801023034
E mail: drbaha1@yahoo.com
Personal details:*
. Date of Birth: 7/9/1970.
. Gender: male.
. Marital Status: Married with 3 kids.
. Nationality: Iraqi.
. Address: Iraq/Basrah/Basra residential flats-Bab Al Zubair.
1. 1999: F.I.C.M.S. (Fellowship of Iraqi Commission for Medical Specializations in Paediatrics).

2. 2000: C.A.B.P (The Arab Board of Medical Specializations in Paediatrics, Damascus, Republic of Syria).

3. 1987-1993: M.B.Ch.B. (Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery,Basrah Medical College , University of Basrah with grade very good , ranking first )

Employment history:*
1. 1999-to date: General Paediatrician (Basrah General Hospital), and senior paediatrics lecturer of Basrah Medical College.

Basrah General Hospital is one of the 5 major public hospitals in Basrah city.
It is a large paediatric centre which provides health services to a very large number of peoples. The centre has 5 major units (general wards, emergency dept., neonatal care unit, and nutrition rehabilitation centre and outpatient department).

In my rule as a senior lecturer I provide regular teaching and training for both under and postgraduate students and I am one of the paediatric examiners of Basrah Medical College.

In addition to the above I run a private clinic which has designed to meet the provision of care and medical service to many of my patients.

My field of interest in paediatric neurodevelopment and neurology and I do have many letters of thanks and appreciation and awards from different organizations and colleges.

2. 1995-1999: Paediatric permanent resident doctor (accredited training post) in Basrah Maternity and Children Hospital.
The Basrah Maternity and Children hospital is the largest specialized Obstetrics&Gynecology and Paediatric hospital in Basrah city of Iraq.
It was a full time, extensive and busy 4 years of training in different paediatric fields under full and accredited supervision.
I have 9 months of training in neonatal care unit , 3 months in paediatric oncology , 2 months in paediatric Dermatology & ENT , 3 months in nutritional rehabilitation centre and the rest of training was spent in the general peadiatric wards and the emergency department .
I have passed the first and final examination from the first attempt for both the FICMS & CABP.

3. 1993-1995: 2 Years intern as a rotating roster in most of the medical disciplines and in different hospitals:
General medicine 3/12 , general surgery 3/12 , O&G 3/12 , Orthopaedics 3/12 , CCU 2/12 , ICU 1/12 , ENT 1/12 , Renal dialysis unit 1/12 , burn unit 1/12 and 6 months in Paedia