الاسم : نظام محمد احمد

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : الطب

القسم : الأحياء المجهرية

البريد الالكتروني : nidham.ahmed@uobasrah.edu.iq

Nidham M. Jamalludeen
عنوان النشاط نوع النشاط السنة عالمي
16th International Medical Conference مؤتمر - مشارك 2019
2nd IAMRS International Conference مؤتمر - مشارك 2019
International Invention Competition in Canada, iCAN -Toronto, Canada. JURY PARTICIPATION استشاري 2017
Bacterial musculoskeletal infection and the powerful effect of bacteriophage therapy College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq محاضرة 2016
Bacteriophage therapy: A fascinating future treatment beyond antibiotics. International symposium of biotechnology & conservation of species from arid regions. Muscat Oman. مؤتمر - متكلم 2013
Isolation of bacteriophage against multi-drug resistant bacteria including Enterococci and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) obtained from diabetic foot in human being: EPS Montreal مؤتمر - مشارك 2012
Isolation and Characterization of lytic bacteriophages against colibacillosis: University of Baghdad, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq مؤتمر - مشارك 2012
Conference of Research Workers In Animal Diseases (CRWAD): Meeting at Chicago, IL, USA, Marriot, December 5-7, 2010 مؤتمر - ضيف 2010
O149 porcine Escherichia coli and avian E. coli serogroup O1, O2, O78: Death by Phage. University of Prince Edward Island. Atlantic, Canada. June 29-30, 2009 محاضرة 2009