الاسم : ظافر توفيق نعيم

العنوان : مدرس

الكلية : الطب

القسم : طب الأطفال

البريد الالكتروني : thafir.naeem@uobasrah.edu.iq

Thafir Tawfiq Naeem Ahmed Aldawood
Graduate of medical college from University of Basrah class of 2007. Started working as junior doctor for 2 years during which worked in medical, surgical, pediatric and gynaecological and obstetric departments. Also in the nephrology, orthopedic , intensive care unit and coronary care unit.
Then, started working as a resident doctor in Pediatrics for a year before applying and being accepted in the Iraqi board of Pediatrics from which got an F.I.C.MS degree in Pediatrics class of 2016.Then in 2017, started to study for a subspeciality in pediatric endocrinology and graduated in 2020.