الاسم : حامد علي عبد

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : الحاسبات

البريد الالكتروني : hamid.abed@uobasrah.edu.iq

Hamid Ali Abed AL-Asadi

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Energy-Efficient Smart Homes lighting system براءة اختراع UK Design 2025
A secure and efficient blockchain enabled federated Q-learning model for vehicular Ad-hoc networks بحث مجلة Springer Nature 2024
An Optimized Link State Routing Protocol with a Blockchain Framework for Efficient Video-Packet Transmission and Security over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks بحث مجلة MDPI 2024 download
An Optimized Link State Routing Protocol with a Blockchain Framework for Efficient Video-Packet Transmission and Security over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks بحث مجلة MDPI 2024 download
Enhancing Packet Reliability in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks using a Proposed Distributed Dynamic Cooperative Protocol (DDCP) Routing Algorithm بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2023
An Overview of Routing Protocols Performance in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks بحث مؤتمر IEEE explorer 2023
A Tri-Classes method for studying the impact of Nodes and Sinks Number on Received Packets Ratio of MANETs routing protocols بحث مؤتمر IEEE explorer 2023
Enhanced Hybrid and Highly Secure Cryptosystem for Mitigating Security Issues in Cloud Environments فصل من كتاب CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group 2022
1st Edition: Privacy and Security Challenges in Cloud Computing A Holistic Approach" Intelligent Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare Systems فصل من كتاب Taylor @Francis, CRC Press 2022
An optimal algorithm for better efficiency in WMSN for multimedia applications بحث مجلة Wiley Press 2021
Self-Phase Modulation Mitigation in Coherent Optical Communication Systems بحث مجلة INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY, 2021
A Lightweight Messaging Method for End to End Smart Device Communication in the Internet of Things Cloud براءة اختراع China National Intellectural Property 2021
Priority Incorporated Zone Based Distributed Clustering Algorithm For Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network بحث مجلة Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 4, No. 5, 306-313 (2019) 2019
An Efficient and Secure Scheme for Dynamic Shared Data in Cloud بحث مؤتمر The 3th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE و المعتمدة في مستوعبات 2019), ACM, October 22 to 24, 201 2019 download
A Novel and Enhanced Distributed Clustering Methodology for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Fields بحث مجلة Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 2, February 2019, pp. 633-638(6) Publisher: American Scientific Publishers 2019 download
Enhanced Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sen بحث مجلة (Under Review). 2018
A Novel and Enhanced Distributed Clustering Methodology for Large Scal بحث مجلة (Under Review) 2018
Toward for Strong Authentication Code in Cloud of Internet of Things ba بحث مجلة Technologies 2018
Design and Investigation on Robust Video Indexing by using Dominant Fr بحث مجلة (Under Review) 2018
Security Evaluation and Analysis of Threat Models in Authentication Sy بحث مجلة (Under Review). 2018
Design and Implementation of Challenge-Response Protocol for Enhanced بحث مؤتمر The Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018 at Canada 2018
Optical Signal to noise ratio Characterization of Ring Cavity Brillouin Fiber Laser بحث مجلة مجلة الاطروحه 2018
Optimization noise figure of fiber Raman amplifier based on bat algorithm in optical communication network بحث مجلة International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2018
Mobile Clustering Algorithm for Effective Clustering in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks بحث مؤتمر European Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (EJAET), Vol. 4, Issue 1, PP. 1-6 2017
Suggested Mechanisms for Understanding the Ideas in Authentication Sys بحث مجلة International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology(IJACT) 2017
Reverse Osmosis Polyamide Thin Film Nanocomposite Membranes for Water بحث مجلة International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARC 2017
Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane Impregnated with Clay Nanoparticles f بحث مجلة Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering 2017
A Novel Scan2Pass Architecture for Enhancing Security towards E-Commer بحث مجلة Future Technologies Conference , Canada. 2017
General domain ontology in enterprise software development process بحث مؤتمر Universities ICT Research and Development conference, Basra, Iraq 2017
General domain ontology in enterprise software development process بحث مؤتمر Universities ICT Research and Development conference, Basra, Iraq 2017
Integrated Energy Efficient Clustering Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks بحث مؤتمر The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences 3(4):8-13 2017
Handbook of swarm intelligence: algorithms and applications كتاب LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-78941-0© 2017
The efficiency of artificial neural networks in Diagnosis of diabetes بحث مجلة NOOR PUBLISHING (Germany)© 2017
Evaluating Iraqi universities websites based on fuzzy expert system us بحث مؤتمر ICT Research and Development conference, Basra, Iraq 2016
Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network Fields بحث مؤتمر International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 153 – No 8, November 2016 2016
Object-Oriented Programming in Java كتاب وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي 2016
A Proposed Risk Assessment Model For Decision Making In Software Manag بحث مجلة Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems 2015
The Internet of Things Software Architectural Solutions بحث مجلة Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS) - American-Eu 2015
Maximizing the Output Power for Brillouin Fiber Laser by Particle Swar بحث مجلة Lasers in Engineering Journal - Old City Publishing UK 2014
Experimental evaluation and theoretical investigations of fiber Raman بحث مجلة Journal of Laser Applications - AIP Publishing LLC. 2014
Nonlinear Phase Shift due to Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Strong بحث مجلة Journal of Optical Communications (JOC) - Walter de Gruyter Germany 2014
A Convergence Analysis of Metaheuristics Algorithms PSO-ACO and its Ap بحث مجلة SYLWAN journal 2014
Nonlinear Phase Shift due to Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Strong Saturation Regime for Different Types of Fibers بحث مؤتمر Journal of Optical Communications 2014
Reduction of the Nonlinear Phase Shift Induced by Stimulated Brillouin بحث مجلة The Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid Publications- Eur 2013
Simplifying Handwritten Characters Recognition Using a Particle Swarm بحث مجلة EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH 2013
Architectural Analysis of Multi-Agents Educational Model in Web-Learni بحث مجلة Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences 2012
Particle swarm optimization on threshold exponential gain of stimulate بحث مجلة Optics. Express - The Optical Society (United States) 2011
Analytical study of nonlinear phase shift through stimulated Brillouin بحث مجلة Journal of Optics - IOP Publishing 2011 download
Analytical study of nonlinear phase shift through stimulated Brillouin بحث مجلة Journal of Optics - IOP Publishing 2011
Analytical analysis of second-order Stokes wave in Brillouin ring fibe بحث مجلة Optics. Express - OSA Publishing 2011
Fuzzy Logic Approach to Recognition of Isolated Arabic Characters بحث مجلة International Journal of Computer Therory and Engineering 2010
Effects of pump recycling technique on stimulated Brillouin scattering بحث مجلة Optics. Express -The Optical Society (United States) 2010
Brillouin Linewidth Characterization in Single Mode Large Effective Ar بحث مجلة International Journal of Electronics, Computer and Communications Tech 2010
Constraint base Student Modeling (CBSM) in ICAIT, بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Physics 2005
Conductimeteric studies of 1:1 monosubstituted salicylic/acid in aqueo بحث مجلة Science Journal of Chemical, Libya 2004
Vertical cavity amplifiers and its cavity length dependence the satura بحث مجلة Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 2003
Influence of facet reflection on the performance of Vertical Cavity Se بحث مجلة Tikrit Journal for Pure science 2002
Temperature dependence of the noise characteristics of Multiisection s بحث مجلة Science Journal - Iraq 2002
Influence of facet reflection on the performance of Vertical Cavity Se بحث مجلة Tikrit Journal for Pure science 2002
Theoretical investigation of spectral linewidth properties of double f بحث مجلة Tikrit Journal for Pure Science 2002
Linewidth characteristics of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers d بحث مجلة Science Journal - Iraq 2001
Recognition of multi-fonts Arabic texts using freeman chain and Viterb بحث مجلة Science Journal - Iraq 1999
Temperature dependence of the lasing characteristics of vertical cavit بحث مجلة Engineering Journal of Technology University, 1994