الاسم : بهاء حسين طاهر

العنوان : مدرس

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : bahaa.hussein@uobasrah.edu.iq

Bahaa Hussein Taher Algubili

Bahaa Hussein Taher Algubili

  رابط Google Scholar: Bahaa Hussrin Tahher Algubili
  رابط Research Gate : Bahaa Hussrin Tahher Algubili
  رابط Web of Science :
  رابط Scopus :
  رابط ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3196-1341

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
A survey of healthcare sector digitization strategies: Vulnerabilities, countermeasures and opportunities بحث مجلة World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences 2023
EPSAPI: An efficient and provably secure authentication protocol for an IoT application environment بحث مجلة -Springer US-Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 2022
Certificateless Algorithm for Body Sensor Network and Remote Medical Server Units Authentication over Public Wireless Channels بحث مجلة Journal of Computer Science Research 2022
A Secure and Lightweight Three-Factor Remote User Authentication Protocol for Future IoT Applications بحث مجلة Journal of Sensors 2021
ow-overhead remote user authentication protocol for IoT based on a fuzzy extractor and feature extraction‏L بحث مجلة IEEE Access, BAHAA HUSSEIN TAHER 2019
Flexible and efficient authentication of iot cloud scheme using crypto hash function بحث مؤتمر Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 2018
Corner detection using gradient and topological properties of digital images بحث مجلة International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2016