الاسم : نعمت الله ناصر فارس

العنوان : مدرس مساعد

الكلية : الاداب

القسم : اللغة الانكليزية

البريد الالكتروني : nimetullah.faris@uobasrah.edu.iq

Ni'metAllah Nasser Faris Abdullah AlMathhaji

A highly motivated MA graduate. I am a quick, talented learner, absorbing as many information as possible with much energy and optimism. I am also very adaptive to new situations and work settings. My communication skills are my best and am very proud of my writing skills. I am a workaholic who likes to be in a place that challenges me and pushes me towards enriching myself with new skills. I like to be part of a global atmosphere, where I can grow personally and be motived to work harder.
University of Basra 16/7/2020
• Master’s degree in Applied linguistics/ Clinical linguistics

University of Basra 2/7/2015
• School of Arts/ BA in English language and literature

University of Oregon/USA 05/06/2014
• The American English Institution/ a diploma of English language

A non-admit course of psychology and society
A non-admit course of family and human services