الاسم : محمد مهدي محمد يحيى

العنوان : مدرس

الكلية : مركز علوم البحار

القسم : الرسوبيات والقيعان البحرية

البريد الالكتروني : mohammed.mahdi@uobasrah.edu.iq

Mohammed Mahdi M. Al-Mossawi

I am an academic researcher at the Marine Science Center/University of Basrah. I finished my MSc study in Polymer/Analytical chemistry from the College of Science/ University of Basrah, while my PhD degree in polymer chemistry from the University of Wollongong, Australia. I am interested in the development of new soft materials (e.g. hydrogels) which could be used in medical and environmental applications. In addition to the preparation of polymeric materials that are used for soil stabilization and combating desertification.