الاسم : انتصار جميل حمد

العنوان : مدرس

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الحياة

البريد الالكتروني : intisar.albandar@uobasrah.edu.iq

Intisar Jameel Hamad Albandar

CV of Intisar Albandar

Full name: Intisar Jameel Hamad Albandar
Place and date of birth: Basrah 1979 Gender: female
Address: Basrah, Khour Alzubair
Marital status: married
No. Mobile: 009647726464640
E-mail : intisar.albandar@uobasrah.edu.iq intisar.albandar44@gmail.com
Academic achievement: PhD
Majoring: biology / Nanotechnology

Second: the qualifications
1. PhD in Nanotechnology (2021) from Strathclyde University, United Kingdom
2. Master in Genetic of Microbiology (2012) from University of Basrah, Iraq.
3. Bachelor of Microbiology from University of Basrah, Iraq

Third: experience.
1- laboratory assistance in Science Col./ Biology dep/ Basrah Uni.2007-2008/ 2008-2009.
2- Lecturer assistance in Science Col./ Biology dep/ Basrah Uni. 2012-2020/
3- Lecturer in Science Col./ Biology dep/ Basrah Uni. 2020- to present
Fourth: research completed and published
1- M. A. Alhamdani and I. J. Hamad (2012) Study of plasmid profile, susceptibility patterns of clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with otitis media in Basrah city. Journal of Basrah researches (science), 38 (1), 1817- 2695
2- Ohood Aqeed Radhi, Alaq Hameed Ali, Kawther Adnan H. Alqaseer, Wijdan Dhaidan Shnain, Intisar Jameel Albandar (2022) Nosocomial Infections Associated with Caesarean Section. kufa Journal for Nursing sciences, 12 (1), 87-107.
3- OA Radhi1, I Albandar2*, K Alqaseer3, WD Shnain4 (2023) Selenium nanoparticles inhibit Staphylococcus aureus-induced nosocomial infection, cell death and biofilm formation. Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology, 30 (4), e367–e378.
4- Almkhadhree, E., Alqaseer, K., Radhi, O. A., Kadhim, B. A., Falah, M. A., Al-Yasseree, H., Shnain, W.D. Albandar, I and Shaker, E. (2023). Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in the Oral Cavity. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences, 13(1), 62–75.

Fifth: Teaching:
Basic of Bacteriology B204
Medical Bacteria B341
Viruses B414
Genetic Engineering B454
Environmental toxins B430
Cytology B203
Nanotechnology B490

Sixth: Training courses and programs:
Real time PCR technique 2012

Seventh: Lecture at conferences:

1- Development of novel fluorescence nanoprobe for early cancer diagnosis. 5th Scottish Biomedical Postdoctoral Researcher Conference, 14th June 2019, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. (Best Poster Prize Certification).
2- Employment of Gold nanoparticle conjugates in biomedical diagnostics, 1st Virtual International Conference of Basic Medical Science Research, 30 March 2021, Iraq. (Best Poster Prize Certification).
3- Application of Nanotechnology in Cancer mRNA Detection, Paper 1st Virtual International Conference of Basic Medical Science Research, 30 March 2021, Iraq.
Eight: Languages:
1. Arabic (mother language).
2. English with a very good level