الاسم : عبدالحليم احمد حسن

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : الفنون الجميلة

القسم : الفنون الموسيقية

البريد الالكتروني : abdulhalem.hassan@uobasrah.edu.iq

Dr.Abdulhalem Ahmed Hassan

ABDULHALEM AHMED HASSAN AL-SHAMKANI The scientific title : Assistant Lecture Job Title : Teaching at the College of Fine Art – Department of Musical Art . Academic Achievement :  Diploma of Musical Arts from the Insitute of Fine Arts in Basra in 2001 .  Bachelor of Musical Art from the College of Fine Arts – University of Basra in 2006 .  Master of Musical Art from the college of Music and Theater of the University of the West in 2017 .