الاسم : ميثاق عبد الرضا عبد الصمد

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : الطب البيطري

القسم : الامراض وأمراض الدواجن

البريد الالكتروني : methaq.sammed@uobasrah.edu.iq

Methaq Abd ALRada Abd Al Samad Salman Alrubaee

A. personal information
Family Name: Alrubaa
Given Name(s): Methaq Abd Alrada Abdalsammed
Place of Birth: City: Basrah State: Iraq
Date of Birth (4/2/1977):
Marital status: married
Mobil: 9647816206911
- Language(s): ■ Mother Tongue (Arabic)
■ Others: English

Academic Qualification(s):
1-B.sc.Degree in veterinary collage.Basrah University 2000-2001
2-M.sc. Degree in general pathology veterinary collage. Basrah University 2004.
Profession: Assisstnt lecture in general pathology in Basrah University
Other skill: computer programs, Internet.

1) Methaq A. A (2011).The Effect Of Oil Extract Of Cuminum On Experimental Wound Healing In Female Rabbits . Bas.J.Vet.Res.Vol.10,No.1,2011.
2) Methaq A.A(2015) Evaluation Of Antiulcer Activity Of White Membrane Pomegranate Against Aspirin Induced Gastric Ulcers In Rats Journal Of International Academic Research For Multidisciplinary
Impact Factor 1.625, Issn: 2320-5083, Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2015

3) Majeed Saleh. K; Methaq A.A(2015). Toxicological Pathology Of Vegetable Oil In Male Rats As Dietary For Six Months. International Journal Of Animal Health And Livestock Production Research
Vol.3, No.1, Pp.1-11, June 2015

4) Methaq A. A (2015). Effects of Topical Application of Green Apple Extract on Excisional Wound Healing in Female Rabbits Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Vol.5, No.8, 2015

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