الاسم : ارشد حمود عبد الكاظم

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : arshad.abd_alkadim@uobasrah.edu.iq


الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Cost-effective self-powered heterostructure π-SnS/Si photodetector with superior sensitivity for near-infrared light بحث مجلة Elsevier 2024
Thermoelectric properties of zintl antimonite compound YbCd2-xZnxSb2 prepared under microwave solid-state irradiation بحث مجلة Elsevier 2024
Structure, morphology, and photoresponse characteristics dependence on substrate nature of grown π-SnS films using chemical bath deposition بحث مجلة Elsevier 2022
Synthesis of filled skutterudite compound Yb x Co 4 Sb 12 by solid state microwave بحث مجلة PalArch 2021
A high-performance near-infrared photodetector based on p-SnS phase بحث مجلة Materials Letters 2020
Tin Sulfide Flower-Like Structure as High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector بحث مجلة Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2020
Low cost flexible ultraviolet photodetector based on ZnO nanorods prepared using chemical bath deposition بحث مجلة Materials Letters 2020 download
Electrical characterization of thermoelectric generators based on p-type Yb0. 6Co4Sb12 and n-type Fe2. 0Co2. 0Sb12 thermoelectric materials بحث مجلة Journal of Kufa-physics 2019 download
Thin-film thermoelectric device of semimetals p-Sn0.9Yb0.1Te:Te and n-Sn0.9Yb0.1Te for power generation using thermal evaporation بحث مجلة Measurement 2019 download
Structural, characterization and electrical properties of AgPbmSbTem+2 compounds synthesized through a solid-state microwave technique. بحث مجلة International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2016
Solvothermal preparation and characterization of ternary alloy CdSxSe1−x nanowires بحث مجلة Optik 2016 download
Significant influences of co-doping Ag and Sb on electrical properties and thermoelectric applications of AgPbmSbTem+2 compounds synthesized using sol بحث مجلة Materials Science Forum 2015
Yb-doped SnTe semimetal thin films deposited by thermal evaporation: Structural, electrical, and thermoelectric properties بحث مجلة Superlattices and Microstructures 2014
Structural and electrical transport properties of Se-substituted p-type Bi2Se3xTe3(1−x) (x=0.0–1.0) alloys prepared by solid-state microwave synthesis بحث مجلة Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2014
Electrical characterization of thermoelectric generators based on p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1−x) and n-type Bi2Se0.6Te2.4 bulk thermoelectric materials بحث مجلة Materials Letters 2013
Preparation of Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1-x) hexagonal rods and effect of Se on structure and electrical property بحث مجلة Solid State Sciences 2013
Thermoelectric generation device based on p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 and n-type Bi2Se0.6Te2.4 bulk materials prepared by solid state microwave synthesis. بحث مجلة Solid state communications 2013
Effect of Se Substitution on Structural and Electrical Transport Properties of Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1−x) Hexagonal Rods بحث مجلة Journal of electronic materials 2013
Chalcogen-based thermoelectric power generation device using p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Se2.4Te0.6 and n-type Bi2Se0.6Te2.4 prepared by solid-state microwave sy بحث مجلة Materials science in semiconductor processing, 2013
Effect of Selenium on Structure and Electrical Property for Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1−x) Novel Hexagonal Rods بحث مجلة Materials Science Forum 2013
Structural and thermoelectric properties of Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1−x) quaternary compound بحث مجلة Advanced Materials Research 2013
Mechanical and electrical properties of p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 and n-type Bi2Se0.6Te2.4 bulk material for thermoelectric applications بحث مجلة IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2013
Growth and characterization of different structured CdO using a vapor transport. بحث مجلة Mater. Lett 2013
Structural and electrical properties of semimagnetic semiconductors Pb1-xYbxSe thin films بحث مجلة Superlattices and Microstructures 2013 download
Lead–ytterbium–telluride thin films prepared using thermal evaporation technique for thermal sensing applications بحث مجلة Superlattices and Microstructures 2013 download
Fabrication and characterization of Pb1-xYbxTe-based alloy thin-film thermoelectric generators grown by thermal evaporation technique. بحث مجلة Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2013 download
Thermal sensors based on Pb0.94Yb0.06Se:Se and Pb0.94Yb0.06Se thin films بحث مجلة Ionics, 2013
Thin films thermoelectric micro-devices for power generator applications using thermal evaporation method بحث مجلة OAM–RC 2013
Thermoelectric generators using p-Pb0.925Yb0.075Te:Te and n-Pb0.925Yb0.075Se0.2Te0.8 thin films prepared by the thermal evaporation method. بحث مجلة Journal of Electronic Materials 2013
Fabrication and characterization of Pb1-xYbxSe0.2Te0.8 based alloy thin films thermoelectric generators grown using thermal evaporation method. بحث مجلة Materials Science Forum 2013
Thermal sensors based on p-Pb0.925Yb0.075Te:Te and n-Pb0.925Yb0.075Se0.2Te0.8 thin films grown using thermal evaporation method بحث مجلة Measurements, 2013
Enhancement of electrical transport through the anisotropic nanostructure performance of heavily Yb-doped PbSe0.2Te0.8 thin films. بحث مجلة Materials Chemistry and Physics 2012 download
Structural and electrical properties of Pb1-xYbxSeyTe1-y quaternary compound synthesized by solid state microwave assisted plasma بحث مجلة Advanced Materials Research 2012
Fabrication and characterization of Pb1-xYbxTe based alloy thin film thermoelectric generators using thermal evaporation method بحث مجلة Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE), 2012 10th IEEE International Conference 2012
Novel hexagonal rods and characterization of Bi0.4Sb1.6Se3xTe3(1−x) using solid-state microwave synthesis بحث مجلة Materials Letters 2012 download
Characterizations of solid-state microwave-synthesized Sb2Te3-based alloys with various compositions of bismuth in Bi2xSb2(1‒x)Te3. بحث مجلة Materials science in semiconductor processing 2012
Significant Influences of Selenium on the Electrical Properties of Bi2Te3 Compounds Synthesized Using Solid‐State Microwave Irradiation. بحث مجلة Advanced Materials Research 2012
Thermoelectric properties and devices of p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Se2.4Te0.6 and n-type Bi2Se0.6Te2.4 prepared by solid state microwave synthesis. بحث مجلة The 10th IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics IEEE-ICSE 2012
Influence of Yb-doping on the thermoelectric properties of Pb1-xYbxTe alloy synthesized using solid-state microwave بحث مجلة Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012 download
Composition-dependent structural and electrical properties of PbSe1-xTex thin films بحث مجلة Superlattices and Microstructures 2012
Characterization of PbSe1-xTex synthesized by solid-state microwave plasma assisted. بحث مجلة Chalcogenide letters 2011
Physical properties of Bi2(Te, Se)3 and Bi2Se1.2Te1.8 prepared using solid-state microwave synthesis. بحث مجلة Materials Letters 2011 download
The Energy Gap and Optical Constants of Thin PbS Films بحث مجلة Journal Science College of AL-Mustansiriah University 2008
Crystal Growth of high purity Bi2Se3 and study of crystal structure بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Physics 2008
Strucural Prameters and Optical Properties of TlAlSe2 compound بحث مجلة Journal education college of AL-Mustansiriah University 2007
Properties of Vacuum Deposited SnSe Thin Films بحث مجلة Journal education college of AL-Mustansiriah University 2006
Preparation and Single crystal Growth of Bi2S3 and studying structure properties بحث مجلة Journal education college of AL-Mustansiriah University 2002
Structural Properties of Single Crystal and thin films CuAl0.4Tl0.6Se2 and Study Optical Parameters بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Physics 2002