العنوان : استاذ
الكلية : العلوم
القسم : علوم الفيزياء
البريد الالكتروني : talib.salman@uobasrah.edu.iq
رابط Google Scholar: | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UbS27fEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
رابط Research Gate : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Talib_Selman |
رابط Web of Science : | https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HHM-5970-2022 |
رابط Scopus : | https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56205684600 |
رابط ORCID : | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6000-1043 |
عنوان البحث | النوع | الناشر | السنة | عالمي | مفرد | ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس | تحميل |
Spin Polarized Current through Serially coupled Double Quantum Dots with Rashba spin- orbit Interaction | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science (A) Vol. 37(1).90-102 ,2019 | 2019 | |||||
A Study of Spin Polarized Currents in Different in Structure Double Quantum Dots in the present of Rashba Spin Orbit Interaction | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2019 | |||||
Tunneling Current Calculation in Double Quantum Dots | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science (A) Vol. 36(1).16-28,2018 | 2018 | |||||
A Study of Polarized Electrons Transition in Two Quantum Dots System | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2018 | |||||
Study the Effect of Cold Rolling of Aluminum-Magnesium (5083) Alloys on the Erosion- corrosion test at the impact Angles (30,90) in river water | بحث مجلة | : Eng. sci., vol. 27 No 1, pp: 45-62(1437 A.H/2016 A.D | 2016 | ![]() |
Temperature Effect on the Effective Secondary Emission Coefficient for He and Ne Gases | بحث مجلة | AL_Qadisyha Journal for Science Vol. 21 No 1 Year 2016 | 2016 | |||||
Numerical Study of The Effective Secondary Emission Coefficient in Discharge Process | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2016 | |||||
Some Parameters dependency on the effective secondary emission coefficient (ESEC) in microdischarge | بحث مجلة | AL_Qadisiya Journal for Science Vol. 19 No 4 Year 2015 | 2015 | |||||
Calculation of surface density of States in Slow Ion Interaction with Metal Surfaces and Thin Films | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2015 | |||||
Calculation of electron energy band structure of the metal surface using experimental data from Auger electron distribution | بحث مجلة | (journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences) Volume 40. Number 3. A(2014 | 2014 | |||||
Surface parameters effect on the Auger electron spin polaraization | بحث مجلة | (journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences) Volume 38. Number 2. A(2012 | 2012 | |||||
Effect of Incident ions Energy on the Asymmetry of Spin Polarized Auger Electrons | بحث مجلة | Basrah J. of Science ,A, Vol. 30. No. 2, 15-29, ,2012 | 2012 | |||||
Theoretical Study of spin Polarized Calculation for Emitted Auger Electrons during Charge Exchange Between Helium Ion and Metal surfaces | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2011 | |||||
Emission of Short Wave Radiation During ion Impact on Solid Surface | بحث مجلة | FIZIKA, A, (Zegreb), 19, (2010), 3 153-164 | 2010 | |||||
Emission of Short Wave Radiation During ion Impact on Solid Surface | بحث مجلة | FIZIKA, A, (Zegreb), 19, (2010), 3 153-164 | 2010 | ![]() |
Theoritical Study in the Ion Grazing Scattering on Aluminum Surface: Neutral fraction calculation | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science ,A, Vol. 27. No. 1, 1-15, ,2009 | 2009 | |||||
Atomic Levels Width and Conversion Processes at Atoms Scattering from Metals Surfaces | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2007 | |||||
Auger De- excitation Processes in Atom- Metals surface Scattering | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2007 | |||||
(Angular Distribution of charge Exchange by Grazing Scattering ( Ions -Surface | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2007 | |||||
Charge Exchange Probability During Ion (Atom) Solid surface Scattering and Probability of Producing Photons | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2006 | |||||
Study of Characteristics of some solid state Nuclear Track Detectors and their Applications | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2006 | |||||
Measurement of Boron Concentration in Water by using Track Technique | بحث مجلة | Basrah Researches (Sciences) Vol. 31. part 2, 8-11 ,2005 | 2005 | |||||
Electron Emission in ion-Alkali atoms Collision process | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science (A), Vol. 22, No. 1,187-201, 2004 | 2004 | |||||
Surface Potential effects on the atomic levels Broadening oriented at the surface | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science ,A, Vol. 21. No. 1, 45-52, ,2003 | 2003 | ![]() |
Electron Emission in Fast Ions- Ground and Excited Alkali Atoms Collision Process | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2003 | |||||
Auger Neutralization process: Energy Broadening in INS Spectra | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science ,A, Vol. 20. No. 1, 99-112, ,2002 | 2002 | |||||
Auger Neutralization process: Dynamical effects in INS Spectra | بحث مجلة | Basrah J. Science ,A, Vol. 20. No. 1, 81-98, ,2002 | 2002 | |||||
Auger Neutralization and De-Excitation processes in Ion (atom) surface Scattering | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 2000 | |||||
البحوث المنشورةResponse characteristic of CN-85 plastic track detector for alpha- particles | بحث مجلة | IBN AL-HAITHEM J. for pure and app. sci. vol. 12(3)1999 | 1999 | |||||
Average Counting Probability of alpha particles | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science, A Vol. 16, No. 1,53-56, 1998 | 1998 | |||||
Response of PM-355 Solid state Nuclear Track Detector for Nuclear Particles | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science, A, Vol. 16, No. 1,63-66, 1998 | 1998 | |||||
The Efficiency of the Etched Track Formation in CR-39 Detector Irradiated by fast Neutrons. | بحث مجلة | Basrah J. Science ,A, Vol. 16. No. 1, 1998 | 1998 | |||||
Recoil ion Track Detector sensitivity of Cellulose Nitrate LR-115 Type-1 | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science Vol. 15, No. 1,31-34, 1997 | 1997 | |||||
Determination of mean effective thickness of radiators in contact with CN-85 solid state nuclear track Detectors | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science Vol. 13, No. 1,11-18, 1995 | 1995 | |||||
Measurement of track diameter growth and activation energy for different solid state nuclear track detectors | بحث مجلة | Basrah Journal of Science ,A, Vol. 12. No. 2, 103-108, ,1994 | 1994 | |||||
Determination of the response of the cellulose nitrate plastic track detector CN-85 to a Charged particles | اطروحة | science college Basrah University | 1990 |