الاسم : رائد عبدالجبار يوسف

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : raed.youssef@uobasrah.edu.iq

Raed Abdaljabar Yousef Ali Malallah
عنوان النشاط نوع النشاط السنة عالمي
Research and Innovation Conference & Exhibition, Citywest Dublin, (Ireland) 2017. مؤتمر - مشارك 2017
Intel Event and Workshop about Designing & Printing for 3D Printer which Hosted by ElecSoc, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2017. ورشة عمل 2017
Training on Laser Safety, Maynooth University, (Ireland) 2016. دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2016
PONYS Physics & Optics Naples Young Students (Representative of the OSA, UCD Chapter), (Italy) 2016. مؤتمر - مشارك 2016
Siegman International School (Representative of the OSA, UCD Chapter), (Spain) 2016 . دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2016
Student Leadership Conference (Representative of the OSA, UCD Chapter), (USA) 2016. مؤتمر - مشارك 2016
Intel Ireland Research Conference, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2016. مؤتمر - مشارك 2016
Teaching Assistant in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2015. دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2015
English for Academic Purposes, Two Semesters, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2015. محاضرة 2015
Academic Presentation Skills, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2015. دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2015
International Year of Light in Ireland ورشة عمل 2015
Exploring Career Options for Postgraduate Research Students, University College Dublin, (Ireland) 2015. ورشة عمل 2015