عنوان البحث |
النوع |
الناشر |
السنة |
عالمي |
مفرد |
ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس |
تحميل |
First record of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
بحث مجلة |
ِِِِAACL Bioflux |
2022 |
بحث مجلة |
Bull. Iraq nat. Hist. Mus. |
2021 |
Invertebrates Associated with Snail Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) from Water Sites in Basrah Governorate, Iraq
بحث مجلة |
Indian Journal of Ecology |
2021 |
Histopathological Change and Gene Expression of Heat Shock proteins (Hsp90 & Hsp70) in Snail pomaceacanaliculata (Lamarch, 1822) Exposed to Stress by the Pesticide Lannate
بحث مجلة |
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |
2020 |
First record of the spider Artema Atlanta from iraq, with references to some its biological aspects
بحث مجلة |
Jbs |
2019 |
A preliminary study on some larval trematodes parasites of marine snail Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin, 1791) in Al-Faw Bay, South of Iraq
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Biosciences |
2019 |
Study of the growth, reproductive biology and abundance for invasive shrimps palaemon elephants....iraq
بحث مجلة |
Journal of coastal life medicine |
2016 |
Study of the growth, reproductive biology and abundance for invasive shrimps Palaemon elegans Rathke from Garmat Ali river Basrah, Southern Iraq
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine |
2016 |
First record of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq with some ecological aspects
بحث مجلة |
2015 |
Addition of four new records of naidid to the Iraqi fauna
بحث مجلة |
Mesopot.j.mar.sci. |
2014 |
New records of twelve species of oligochaeta from southern Iraqi marshes,iraq
بحث مجلة |
Jjbs |
2010 |
New records of two species of oligochaetes Pristina longiseta and P.macrochaeta from iraq
بحث مجلة |
Mesopot.j.mar.sci. |
2010 |
Identification and Biology of the species Chaetogaster limnaei von Baer 1827 (Oligochaeta: Naididae) Isolated from some Basrah marshes snails in the s
بحث مجلة |
PhD thesis |
2009 |
Chaetogaster limnaea
بحث مجلة |
PhD thesis |
2009 |
Larval Development of the Caridean Shrimp Exopalaemon styliferus (H. Milne Edwards, 1840) (Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) from the South of Iraq Reared in the Laboratory
بحث مجلة |
Turk J Zool |
2008 |
Cercarial production of Lymnaea auricularia experimentally infected with different numbers of Fasciola gigantica Miracidia.
بحث مجلة |
Mesopot.j.mar.sci. |
2005 |
Effect of some ecological factors on the adult and larval stages of shrimp Exopalaemon styliferus (H. Milne Edwards, 1840).
بحث مجلة |
Mesopot.j.mar.sci. |
2005 |