الاسم : عبدالجليل محمد حسن

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : abdul-jaliel.hassan@uobasrah.edu.iq

Abdul-jaliel Mohammed Hassan Al-zubaidi

Abdul-jaliel Mohammed Hassan Al-zubaidi

  رابط Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QSxBtnsAAAAJ&hl=en
  رابط Research Gate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abduljaliel_Hassan
  رابط Web of Science : https://publons.com/researcher/3102660/abduljaliel-hassan/
  رابط Scopus :
  رابط ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2840-1434

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Study of physical, chemical & and biological parameters of drinking water at Basrah city. بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science , Vol.28 (2) :57 – 66 . 2010 2010 download
Distribution and abundance of phytoplankton in some Southern Iraqi waters. . بحث مجلة Marsh Bulletin ,1(1) : 59-73 .2006 2006 download
Species composition and seasonal variation of the epiphytic diatoms on Typha domingensis and Phragmites australis from Southern Iraqi Marshes. . بحث مجلة J.Col.Educ. For women , Univ. Baghdad. Vol.12(1): 113-118, 2001 2001 download
Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the Shatt Al-Arab estuary , North- West Arabian Gulf . . بحث مجلة J. Marina Mesopotamica, Vol . 16(2):187 -199,2001 2001 download
Species composition and seasonal variation of the epipelic diatoms from some southern Iraqi marshes . . بحث مجلة J. Marina Mesopotamica, Vol . 15(1):53-67,2000 2000 download
Contribution to the diatom flora of the marshes near Qurna -Southern Iraq بحث مجلة J. Marina Mesopotamica .Vol. 7(2):203-240,1992 1992 download
A study on the primary productivity in the Shatt Al-Arab estuary at Basrah, Iraq. بحث مجلة J. biol. Sci. Vol. 20(3):593-606,1989. 1989 download