الاسم : عذراء عبد الامير عزيز

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : athraa.azeez@uobasrah.edu.iq

Athraa Abdulameer Azeez Al-Hilfi
عنوان النشاط نوع النشاط السنة عالمي
1st Samarra International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (1SICPS) March 23-24, 2021 مؤتمر - مشارك 2021
Attended in workshop ( Histological cutting of plant samples) hold at biology department 20 February 2020 ورشة عمل 2020
Attended in workshop ( Histological preparation ) hold at biology department 17-18 April 2019. ورشة عمل 2019
Fourth Iraq oil and gas conference (4 th IOGC) 2017 مؤتمر - مشارك 2017
11- Attended the training course ( Electrone microscope techniques and use it in medical and biological diagnosis) hold at college of pharmacy in 25-12-2017 دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2017
Attended the training course (Use of Lentivirus system in gene silencing promises to cure cancer , viral infection and inflammation).hold at vertenary college in 6-12-2017. دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2017
Attended the training course (Real time PCR application ) hold at biology department from 28 th – 30 th January 2017 دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2017
Attended in workshop (Cultivation of Bioremediation in industrial institutions . hold at biology department in 5-5-2016 ورشة عمل 2016
Attended in workshop (using ELISA in laboratory and clinical diagnostic ) hold at biology department in (27-28)- 4-2016 7 ورشة عمل 2016
Attended in workshop (Estimated level T4&T5 in serum and analysis results by Bio Rad) hold at biology department in (13-14)- 4-2016 ورشة عمل 2016
Attended the training course (Photoshop program) hold at biology department from 17 th – 19 th January 2016 دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2016
Attended in workshop ( Cultivation of Bioremediation in industrial institutions . hold at biology department in 14-1-2016 ورشة عمل 2016
Attended the training course ( The use of DNA fingerprint in the identifications of missing persons victims of mass fatalities ) hold at cell and biotechnology research unit , biology dept.from 11-15 دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2010
The Fourth National conference on environmental and natural resource .university of Basrah ,college of science .4-6/1/2010 مؤتمر - مشارك 2010
The Fourth scientific conference for microorganism and biotechnology University of Basrah ,college of Education 1-2/12/2010 مؤتمر - مشارك 2010
1-Attended the training course ( DNA extraction and Amplification the gene by PCR technique ) hold at cell and biotechnology research unit , biology dept.from 24 th-26th March 2009. دورة تدريبية - متدرب 2009
The third National conference on environmental and natural resource University of Basrah . college of science . 7-8/11/2007 مؤتمر - مشارك 2007