عنوان البحث |
النوع |
الناشر |
السنة |
عالمي |
مفرد |
ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس |
تحميل |
Isolation and identification of Thermophilic bacteria from oil Reservoir in Bsrah. Iraq
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Latest Transactions in Engineering and Science |
2018 |
contamination of some dairy products manufactured locally in basrah
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal of biology |
2004 |
The role of pseudomonas Spp. in urinary tract infections and their antibiotic resistance
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal of science |
2002 |
characteristics of staphylococci isolated from mastitic cows
بحث مجلة |
Basrah J. agriculture science |
1994 |
Fecal bacteria in five daiy care nurseries
بحث مجلة |
medical Journal of basrah university |
1993 |
isolation and characterization of A NOVEL halotolerant bacterium
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal of Microbiology |
1992 |
classification by numerical taxonomy of Staphylococci isolated from food handlers
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal of Microbiology |
1989 |
التنميط العاثي للمكورات العنقوديه الذهبيه المعزوله من مناخر المتعاملين بالاغذيه
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal of Microbiology |
1989 |