الاسم : اياد حنتوش داود

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : ayad.dawood@uobasrah.edu.iq

Ayad Hantoosh Dawood Al-Khafaji
Curriculum vitae

Name : Ayad Hantoosh Dawood Al-Khafaji
Date of Birth : 20-10-1960
Gender : Male
Language : Arabic-English-Italic
Marital state : Married
Nationality :Iraqi
Address : Department of Biology –college of science – Universiy of Basrah
M.Sc. Thesis (1986): The Biology of common carp in Al-Hammar Marshes , Southern Iraq.
Ph.D. Thesis (2011) : Environmental pollution . University of Torvergata - Rome

/ 1-Undergraduate ٍStudies:
- Fish Biology (Theory and practical )
- Fish Taxonomy (Theory and practical )
- Aquaculture (Theory and practical )
- Animal physiology (Theory and practical )
- Physiology of Aquatic organisms (Theory and practical )
- Comprative Anatomy ( Practical)
- Chordata (Theory and practical )
- Cytology and Micro- techniques ( practical )
- General zoology ( practical)
- General Biology ( Practical )
- Fish ecology (Theory and practical )
- Evolution(Theory )
2-Postgraduate Studies:
Postgraduate Supervision
Huda H. Al-Kayon, M.Sc.College of Science . 2015

1-participation in symposium on fish Iraqi in- land water,2-4-Dec.,1992.IraqiAtomic Energy Commission.
2- Conference of environmental pollution of Iraqi in –land water, Biol.Dept.,coll.Sci,.Univ.Basrah,10-13July1994
3-participation in symposium of the possibilities of introduce tilapia fishes to enhanced the production of Iraqi in-land water from fishes.6.7.2000.Coll.Agr.,Univ.Basrah
4- Internation conference of the pollution north of Arabian Gulf .15-16 Jan., 2001,Marine Science Center

Consulting Works
1- Consultory works in fish culture farm (private sector) 1993-1994
2- Consultory works in fish culture and fish meal industry (private sector)1995-1996

1- Feeding of fish Cyprinus carpio.Iraqi Agric.Sci 20(1):117-120 (1989)
2- Study of Age and Growth of Cyprinus carpio .Iraqi.J.Agric.Sci 21(3)
3- The Reproduction Biology of Cyprinus carpio .Iraqi.J. of Sci., 32 (2) 443-451(1991)
4- Toxicity of DDT and Malathion on The Fresh Water Shrimp-Marina . Mesopotamica , 9(2): 369-375(1994).
5- Effect of Eye-Stalk Neuroendocrine on The Fresh Water Crab Sesarma sp., Marina Mesopotamica. 9(2):209-216(1994).
6- Food Habits of The Cat Fish ( Silurus triostegus) . Marina Mesopotamica, 12(1): 75-85(1997).
7- Seasonal variation in chemical composition of energy content of female herway of agri,Sci.Basrah:16(1)2003 (25-36)
8- Seasonal variation in chemical composition of energy content of germ muleb-J.Agri.Sci.Basrah.16(1):2003.
9- Bioaccumulation of copper And lead in different organs of Carassius auratus .J.Agr.Sci.Basrah.1(16):1-17.2003
10- Effect of Pregnancy to sex of fetus on glycogen and ammonia of blood serum of Arab ewes . Basrah .J.Of .Vet.Res:1(3):2002.
11- Anthropogenic threats to fish of interest in aquaculture .Aquaculture.Res.:8:1-5(2014)
12- Gonadal disorder in grey mullet as Biomarke