الاسم : ميثم ايوب عبدالقادر

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : علوم الحياة

البريد الالكتروني : maytham.abdulkadir@uobasrah.edu.iq

Maytham Ayoub Abdulkadeer Alhamdani
Name of Full: Maytham Ayoub Abdulkadir Al-Hamdani
Birth date :1960
place of Birth: Basrah-Iraq
Nationality: Iraqi
Marital status : Married
Address:Dept of Biology, College of eEducation for pure Sciences, University of Basrah-Iraq
Scientific rank: Assistant Professor
General speciality:Biology
Speciality:microbiology (Bacteriology)
Current interest: Antibiotic resistance, Industrial Microbiology
First university degree: Bachelore
Date awarded: 1982
College :Science,University of Basrah-Iraq
Second University Degree: Master
Date awarded:1985

Thesis Title:Ecological and Taxonomical study of fungi associated with Typha australis in southern marshes of Iraq
Third University Degree: Ph.D
College of Education, University of Basrah
Title of Thesis: Hemolysin from Staphylococci from clinical specimens and the effect of some antibiotic on their growth and hemolytic activity