عنوان البحث |
النوع |
الناشر |
السنة |
عالمي |
مفرد |
ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس |
تحميل |
Levels and Source of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Fishes from Coast of Iraq Based on Biomarkers and Biogeochemical Indices
بحث مجلة |
Dhafar Dh. Al-Khion, Balqes S. Al-Ali , Hamid T. Al-Saad and Ahmed I. Rushdi |
2021 |
Effect of Contaminated Irrigation Water with Pesticide on Faba Bean (ViciafabaL.) Growth
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 |
2019 |
Impact of Chlorofete Pesticide on Oxygen Consumption in three Freshwater fish
بحث مجلة |
Journal of University of Thi-Qar for Agricultural Research Volume 7 Number 1 (2018) |
2018 |
متبقیات بعض المبیدات الحشریة في میاه ورواسب وأحیاء من مناطق ھور الحمار
كتاب |
نور للنشر |
2018 |
Total petroleum hydrocarbons in selected fish of shatt Al-Arab , Iraq
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.1, 1-7 |
2017 |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Some Fishes from the Iraqi Marine Waters
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Natural Sciences Research Vol.6, No.10, 2016 |
2016 |
Environmental Assessment of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in fish species from North-West Arabian Gulf
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Pharmaceutical , Chemical and Biological Sciences 2016; 4 (2) |
2016 |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water, Soil and Tomato Plant (Lycopersican esculentum L.) at Basra City,
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Vol.6, No.12 2016 |
2016 |
Levels of pesticides in sediment of hor Al-Hammar marshes
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi J.Aquacult. vol.10 No.1 2013 |
2013 |
Effect of cadmium and lead exposure and recovery on kidney of fishes juveniles Carassius carassius( L.)
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Thi-Qar University Special number Vol.5 March/2010 |
2010 |
Physiological changes induced by chlorofete pesticide in the Gold fish
بحث مجلة |
Basra Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 15 Fourth Issue 2002 |
2002 |
Histological changes induced by Chlorofete Pesticide in the gills of gold fish , Carassius auratus (L.) juveniles
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Journal of veterinary research vol.1 , No. 2 , 2002 |
2002 |