الاسم : علي باسل محمود

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : مركز علوم البحار

القسم : الفيزياء البحرية

البريد الالكتروني : ali.baisel@uobasrah.edu.iq

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Bassal Mahmood Alhamza

Ali Bassal Mahmood, PHD
Dr. Ali Bassal Mahmood was born in Basrah, Iraq and is a graduate of Basrah University. I have obtained my PHD degree at Szczecin University in Poland. My residency was at Basrah and its affiliated Basrah University, and I have completed training with fellowships at the IAEA ; and COWI Co, and IHE Delft inMarine Environment and Coastal Zone Management and corneal surgery; Hydrodynamic Modeling Using Mike 11 Program and TMT Iraq – Course 1 Morphodynamic Modelling by Delft3D respectively.
Dr. Ali Bassal Mahmood has 22 years’ experience in Oceanography, with special interest in Physical Oceanography, Ocean Acidification, and Hydrographic survey.
I am now a member of UNESCO/IOC project office for IODE; Iraq focal point of OIC/INOC; Iraq counterpart of IAEA/INT7019; member of GOA-ON and member of EGU.
In addition, I have achieved two MSC thesis under my supervision in applied mathematichs andin marine physics at the university of Basrah.