الاسم : صفاء الدين أحمد سلمان

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : الطب

القسم : الطب الباطني

البريد الالكتروني : safauldeen.salman@uobasrah.edu.iq

Safauldeen Ahmed Salman Alhajim
Safauldeen Ahmed Salman Alhajim
Date and place of birth: 30/4/1955, Basrah/ Iraq.
Gender: male.
Nationality: Iraqi.
Marital status: married with 4 children.
e-mail: safauldinhachim@yahoo.com
mobile number: 009647801218061
Current position: consultant in internal medicine and nephrology/ department of medicine/ Basrah general hospital/ Basrah/ Iraq.
Assistant professor/ department of medicine/ college of medicine/ university of Basrah.
Education: Consultant physician / ministry of health, 2009.
Fellowship of the Arab board for medical specializations in internal medicine, 1993.
Diploma in medicine / Medical college-Baghdad university- Baghdad-Iraq, 1991. M.B.Ch.B / Medical college-Baghdad university- Baghdad-Iraq, 1979.

Skills & experience:
1- Teaching and training of undergraduate students in medical college, university of Basrah since 1994.
2- Teaching and training of postgraduate students of the Iraqi board and Arabic board of internal medicine; internal medicine and nephrology since 1994.
3- Examiner in the Iraqi board of medicine.
4- Long experience in nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation since 1989.
1- Iraqi medical association.
2- Iraqi society of nephrology.
3- Iraqi society of hypertension.
4- Arab society of nephrology and kidney transplantation.
5- Middle-east society of organ transplantation.

Published papers
1. Basrah renal transplantation follow-up center: A five years experience.
Medical journal of Basrah University. 1999 vol. 17, No.1&2, 119-124.
2. Vascular access for hemodialysis –Personal experience and review. Basrah
Journal of Surgery. 2001 march, vol.7, No.1, 64-67.
3. Classical Kaposi sarcoma: A case report. Medical journal of Basrah University.
2003. Vol. 21, No.2, 99-101.
4. Cutaneous manifestation in renal transplant recipients in southern Iraq. 2004 Sept.
Vol.10, No.2, 81-84.
5. The diagnostic approach to tuberculous pleural effusion. Babel medical journal. 2007, vol. 1.
6. Genotyping of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients of Basra province/Iraq. International journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology. 2016,vol5, issue 6.
7. Assessment of the Quality of Life in Patients on Hemodialysis in Al-Basrah- Iraq. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2017, Vol 23, no.12, p 815-20.
8. Contrast- induced nephropathy among patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research 2018; 2 (3): 5