الاسم : محمد سالم مويل

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم البيئة

البريد الالكتروني : mohammad.moyel@uobasrah.edu.iq

Mohammad Salim Moyel
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data:
Name: Mohammad Salim Moyel
Permanent Address: Basrah-Iraq
E-Mail: ms1977bio@yahoo.com, mohammadnm.197@gmail.com
Cell Phone No. : +964 (0)7707320699
Birth: 03 Feb.1977-Basrah City
Languages: Arabic and English
Place of Issue: Basrah -Iraq

• Major Field of Specialization for B.Sc.: Biology.
• Major Field of Specialization for M.Sc.: Water Quality
• Major Field of Specialization for Ph.D.: Environmental management

Researches: (published)
1- Najah A.Hussain, Amjid k. Resin, Mujtaba A. Tahir and Mohammad S. Moyel. (2011). Water quality index (WQI) for three southern restored marshes (East Hammar, Al-Huwaza and Suq Al-Shouykh) during the years 2005 ,2006, 2007 and 2008. Proc. 6th Int. Con. Biol. Sci. (Zool), 438-443.
2- Mohammad S. Moyel, Ali H. Amteghy, Tarik K. Naseer, Enas A. Mahdi, Buthaina M. Younus and Mahasin A. Albadran). Comparison of total hardness, calcium and magnesium concentrations in drinking water (RO), and municipal water with WHO and local authorities at Basrah province, Iraq. Marsh Bulletin 8(1) (2013)65-75.
3- Mohammad, S. M. (2014). Assessment of water quality of the Shatt al Arab River, using multivariate statistical technique. Mesopotamia Environmental Journal, 1(1): 39-46.
4- Faris, J. A.; Ali, H. A. and Mohammad, S. M. (2014). Assessment of contamination by trace metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in water and sediments of the Tigris and Shatt Al Al Arab rivers and NW Arabian Gulf/ Iraq. International Journal of Environment & Water. 3(5): 119-130.
5- Mohammad Salim Moyel, Najah Aboud Hussain. (2015). Water Quality Assessment of the northern part of Shatt al Arab River, southern Iraq. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 2015; 3(6): 459-465.
6- Mohammad S. Moyel, Ali H. Amteghy, Wesal F. Hassan, Enas A. Mahdi and Hussien H. Khalaf. (2015). Application and evaluation of water quality pollution indices for heavy metal contamination as a monitoring tool in Shatt Al Arab River. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RESEARCH FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 3(4): 67-75.
7- Mahdi, B. A., Moyel, M. A., & Jaafar, R. S. (2021). Adopting the Water Quality Index to assess the validity of groundwater in Al-Zubair city southern Iraq for drinking and human consumption. Eco Env & Cons, 27, 73-79.‏
8- Moyel, M. S., Akbar, M. M., & Hussain, N. A. (2023). Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Quality in the Middle Section of Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 24(4), 297-311.‏
9- Mohammad Salim Moyel, Nadia Al-Mudaffar Fawzi, Bayan A. Mehdi ,Wesal Fakhri Hassan, Muhanad Sabty .(2023). Assessment of Community Awareness and Knowledge of Environmental Law and Legislation in the Basrah Governorate (Iraq). Planning, 18(8), 2387-2392.