الاسم : حارث عبد الحليم سكر

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : harith.sukar@uobasrah.edu.iq

Harith Abdulhaleem Alsaad

Name: Dr. Harith Abdul Haleem Sukar Alsaad

Nationality: Iraqi

Date of Birth: 2711976

Postal Address: University of Basrah ,Collage of Science , Geology Department

Home Address: Basrah Iraq

Marital Status: Married with three kids.

Phone No. : 009647809090505

Email: alsaad_9@yahoo.com

Academic Qualification:
1-B.Sc.Geology,Collage of Science, Basrah University 1998
2-M.Sc.Industrial rocks , Basrah University 2006
3- PhD. Geochemistry and Industrial rocks and minerals, Basrah University / 2014

Language: Arabic(Mother tongue),English.

General Specification: Geology

Main Specification: Geochemistry, Industrial Geology

Union and Association:
1- Geological Union of Iraq

Professional Experience:
1-Ganeral geology college of science.
2- Rocks &minerals.
4-Principls of geochemistry.
5-Geochemical exploration.
6-Industrial geology.
7-Economic geology.
8-Clay minerals.
9- Advance geochemical prospecting MSc.
10- Applied geochemistry MSc.