الاسم : لميس عزيز حميد

العنوان : استاذ مساعد

الكلية : الطب

القسم : طب المجتمع

البريد الالكتروني : lamis.hameed@uobasrah.edu.iq

Lamis Aziz Hameed Mahdi Mahfoodh

Name: Lamis Aziz Hameed
Place and date of birth: Basrah 7/12/1974
Marital status: Married
Scientific title: Assistant Professor
M.B.Ch.B ( University of Basrah)
Iraqi board of family medicine
Historical scientific titles and jobs:
a. scientific titles
Assistant Professor
Date of entitlement to the title: 19/7/2007
b. Administrative jobs
Date of first appointment: 22/10/1998
Doctor in the Faculty in the College of Medicine (Teaching Assistant) May 2002
- October 2002
Postgraduate student (Board of Family Medicine): 2002-2007
Lecturer in the College of Medicine: July 2007
Assistatnt Professor: 25/1/2017
Deputy of the department of community medicine: October 2016- July 2021
Head of the department of community medicine: July 2021- April 2022
Current job:
Lecturer in the department of community medicine
Main scientific research publications
1.Dhahi ZK, Issa SS, Hameed LA. A study on pregnant womens, satisfaction with
primary health care services in Basrah. International Journal of Research in
Humanities, Arts and Literature: Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan 2015, 7-20.
2. Habib OS, Hameed LA, Ajeel NA, Al-Hawaz MA, Al-Faddagh ZA, Nasr GN, AlSodani AH, Khalaf AA, Hasson HM, Abdul-Samad AA. Epidemiology of Breast
Cancer Among Females in Basrah. 8th Regional APCOP Conference, Tehran 1-3
Nov. 2015.
3. Hameed LA. Survival of preterm babies beyond the neonatal period. Basrah
Medical Journal. Jan 2017.
4. Shams S. Ahmed, Lamis A. Hameed. Knowledge, attitude and practices
regarding COVID-19 outbreak among people in Basrah city. The Medical Journal of
Basrah University 40 (Issue1), 68-80.
5. Dhuha Ahmed Farhan, Lamis Aziz Hameed. Prevalence and determinants of
weight misperception among adult females in Basrah city. Basrah Journal of
surgery 29 (Issue1), 32-42
Teaching Experiences
Medical Statistics (3rd year)
Public Nutrition (3rd year)
Epidemiology (4th year)
Child health care (4th year)
Teaching of postgraduate students

الاسم: لميس عزيز حميد
محل و تاريخ الولادة: البصرة 1974
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوجة
اللقب العلمي: استاذ مساعد
الشهادات: بكلوريوس طب و جراحة عامة 1998
بورد طب اسرة 2007