الاسم : قصي محمد علي حسن

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : التربية للعلوم الصرفة

القسم : الفيزياء

البريد الالكتروني : qusay.hassan@uobasrah.edu.iq

Qusay Mohammed Ali Hassan Wasfi

I was born on 9th December 1964 at Basra, Iraq. I graduated in physics in 1987 from the College of Education, Basra University, Iraq. In December 1990, I received my masters degree in physics from the same College. Presently, I working as a Professor in the Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Basra, Basra, Iraq. On an exchange fellowship from the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, I commenced his research work for the doctoral program in September 2002 at the Department of Physics, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India. I am finished my Ph.D. studies within the minimum required periods and with very good grades. My Ph.D. studies were very successful and added a lot of experience to my knowledge and personality. I have ten papers in national journals and forty papers in international journals. My current research interests are in the field of nonlinear optics.
I am married and have three children and thus I share my time between my family, teaching and research responsibilities.