الاسم : علاء حسن عبد الله

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : العلوم

القسم : علوم الرياضيات

البريد الالكتروني : alaa.abdullah@uobasrah.edu.iq

Alaa Hasan Abdullah Al-Muslimawi

الاوراق البحثية

عنوان البحث النوع الناشر السنة عالمي مفرد ثومبسون رويتر
سكوبس تحميل
Computational Study of the Flow of Newtonian Fluid Through A Straight Channel and Lid-Driven Cavity بحث مجلة Iraqi Journal of Science 2023
Numerical simulation of stick-slip viscoelastic fluid by using a hybrid finite-element/volume method بحث مجلة AIP Conference Proceedings 2022
Simulation of Oldroyd-B Viscoelastic Fluid in Axisymmetric Straight Channel by Using a Hybrid Finite Element/Volume Method بحث مجلة Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 2021
Numerical simulation of a power-law inelastic fluid in axisymmetric contraction by using a Taylor Galerkin-pressure correction finite element method بحث مجلة International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 2021
Development of algorithm for Newtonian compressible fluid flow based on finite element method بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science 2021
Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Inelastic Flows in Channel based on Artificial Compressibility Method بحث مجلة Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 2020
Simulation of Newtonian axisymmetric pipe flow by using a Taylor Galerkin/pressure correction finite element method بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science 2020
Numerical investigation of extensional flow through axisymmetric conical geometries: Finite element method بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science 2020
Numerical simulation of Power-Law inelastic fluid in channel by using finite element meth بحث مجلة Basrah Journal of Science 2019
Taylor Galerkin Pressure Correction (TGPC) Finite Element Method for Incompressible Newtonian Cable-Coating Flows بحث مجلة Alaa H Al-Muslimawi 2018
Numerical analysis of Newtonian flows based on artificial compressibility AC method بحث مجلة Journal of AL-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics 2017
Numerical study for differential constitutive equations with polymer melts by using a hybrid finite-element/volume method بحث مجلة Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2016
Theoretical and numerical studies of die swell flow بحث مجلة Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 2016
Computational Extensional-Rheology Study of Two Biofluid Systems بحث مجلة Rheologica Acta 2015
Numerical analysis of the Taylor Galerkin Pressure Correction (TGPC) finite element method for Newtonian fluid بحث مجلة Journal of Mathematical Journal of Theory and Modeling 2015
Taylor Galerkin Pressure Correction (TGPC) finite element method for incompressible Newtonian die-swell flow بحث مجلة International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering & Technology 2015
Numerical computation of extrusion and draw-extrusion cable-coating flows with polymer melts بحث مجلة Appl. Rheol 2014
Simulation of viscoelastic and viscoelastoplastic die-swell flows بحث مجلة Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 2013
Numerical simulation of tube-tooling cable-coating with polymer melts بحث مجلة Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 2013
The inverse of a patterned covariance matrix for 4-way nested classification random model with unbalanced data بحث مجلة Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for pure science 2008
Expected mean squares for 3-way crossed model with correlated data بحث مجلة Journal of College of education, University of Mustansiriya 2007
The inverse of a patterned covariance matrix by Sherman Morrison lemma and its application بحث مجلة J. Basrah Researches (Science 2007
Variances of maximum likelihood estimators of variance components for the random effect models بحث مجلة J. Basrah Researches (Science 2006