الاسم : عبدالكريم سوادي عبدالله

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : الهندسة

القسم : الهندسة الكهربائية

البريد الالكتروني : abdulkareem.abdullah@uobasrah.edu.iq

Abdulkareem Swadi Abdullah

Abdulkareem S. Abdullah received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Communication Engineering from the College of Engineering, University of Basrah, in 1980 and 1985 respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electromagnetic Fields and Microwaves Technology from “Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)” / Beijing / China in 2004. He also received a Post-doctor degree in Telecommunications Engineering from "Beijing Institute of Technology" / China in 2008. He is currently working as a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Basrah. He is a senior member of IEEE and has published more than 80 journal and conference papers. His research interest includes Antenna Design and Analysis, Smart Antennas, Microwaves Technology, Indoor and Outdoor Radio Waves Propagation.